cranky baby

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Age: 1 month old

Wanda's pov
12 pm

We sit watching a movie while I cuddle into Vis when I start hearing whimpering from the baby monitor

"I think she woke up , I'm gonna go check" I say getting up

I walk into the nursery just in time before she starts crying

I pick her up and walk to the changing table, I change her diper and go to our room

"Hello sweetheart" Vis says as I'm handing her to him

The second i hand her she starts crying

"What's wrong sweetheart?" He looks at me as he rocks her causing her to cry louder

"Maybe she's hungry" I say and he hands me Viv

I go and sit on the nursing chair , i position her and lift my shirt and pull my bra down, i latch her on and she sucks a bit not actually getting any milk in her mouth before she puts her hands on my breast and pulls away, I try to latch her but she doesn't latch and just holds my nipple in her mouth

"Sweetheart you didn't latch well" I say as I bring her closer to me and she starts nursing , she starts fussing and pulls away , causing some milk to spill on me and her , I look at her and see she get scared

"Oh no Vis she's gonna scream" I say as I pass her to Vis to clean her and myself

I clean her causing her to cry louder , Vis starts bouncing in place to calm her as I clean myself and pull my bra up and shirt down , I go to the nursery and take the baby sling

I wrap Viv on my chest and gentle bunch , being happy to hear silence

"What was that?" Vis asks looking at Viv and rubbing her back

"I have no idea" I say as I look at Viv and pet her bum "i guess we'll have a cranky baby today" I say laughing a bit "I need to go, i have to run some errands" I say kissing Vis , i take Vivs bag and pram

"Have a good day darling"

3 pm

"Nat can we go sit somewhere i need to feed her" I ask looking at Viv in her stroller hearing she's whining

"Yah ,do you want to eat as well maybe?"

"Sure why not"

We walk into a nearby Cafe and sit in the back corner of the place so I'll be able to breastfeed Viv

"Ok" I sign as I pick Viv up, I position her and cover her and myself before I lift my shirt and pull bra down and latch her on

30 minutes later we order and I start to feel Vivs latch lose, I look and see she's done so I try and offer her my other breast which she happily accepts

After 15 minutes I feel Vivs latch lose and hands moving ,i look and see her hands on my breast and that she fall asleep

"What did she do?" Nat ask , I uncover myself a bit and show her Viv "she's trying to get closer"

I detach myself from Viv and fix my clothes, I burp her and give her her pacifier, I rock her to sleep and slowly put her in the pram, I use my powers to rock the pram as we eat

5 pm

I walk in the mall with Viv in her pram just looking at everything around her

"What do you say about a new pacifier sweetheart" I say looking at stuff in the baby store

I put the pacifier in the bag and keep walking

She starts fussing and whimpering so I pick her up and wrap her on my chest, I keep walking in the store while I push the pram and carry Viv on myself

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