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Wanda is 32 weeks pregnant (8 months)

Vision's pov
7 am

I wake up to the alarm and quickly turn it off to not wake Wanda, I get ready and puck a bag with water and sneak Wanda eats, I walk to Wanda's side and stroke her hair

"Darling you need to wake up, we have a class today remember?" I say, she opens her eyes a bit and huffs closing her eyes again "Darling come on, you can sleep in the car" I say and she whins, I pull the blanket off her and she grants, I lift her shirt and start kissing every inch of her belly

"You're mean" she says quietly

I help her up and she quickly fixes her hair and puts on clothes, I take her pregnancy pillow and we walk to the car, I help her in the car and we start driving

After a while I look at wanda to see she's moving a lot in her seat

"Darling is everything alright?" I ask

"Yeah, I just really need to the bathroom" she says

"There's a gas station, I'll pull over" I say and she nods

I park and walk with her to the station

"Why am I awake at 8 am, it's hard enough to be pregnant so to wake up at 7" She says and I laugh stroking her hair

We walk into the bathroom line and Wanda leans on me

"Oh please go before me" a woman says to Wanda, stepping aside so Wanda will go first

"Oh thank you, but it's ok" she says smiling

9 am

I drive while Wanda sits cross-legged while she scrolls through her phone

"Darling do you want to eat maybe?" I ask as it's been 2 hours since she woke up

"Yesss" she says, her face instantly lighting up

"Do you see the bag on the back seat" I say and she immediately uses her powers to take the bag

"Thank you!" She says seeing all of the food I brought

10 am

I park the car and help Wanda out of the car, we walk in and Wanda grips into dear life with my hand

"What's wrong darling?" I ask rubbing her back

"They're all older and less pregnant than me" she says scared


"I look fat and irresponsible" she says embarrassed

"Darling you look beautiful, and do you remember we're married?" I ask jokingly

"Yes I remember our wedding"

"Good" I say kissing her head

I help Wanda sit and sit behind her, she leans on me and I rub her arm as we wait for everyone to settle

Wanda's pov

I look around me seeing some older women staring at me, I get uncomfortable and grip Viss' thigh

"Love what's the matter?" He asks stroking my cheek

"I want to go" I say as a tear goes down my cheek


"They're judging me" I say

"Let's do it this way if you keep feeling uncomfortable we'll go, ok?" He asks and I nod, knowing this class is important

Once everyone's sitting the class begins

"Ok, let's hear about each a bit, say your name age and how far along are you" the teacher says

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