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Wanda's 34 weeks pregnant

Vision's pov
7 am

"Darling" I quietly say stroking her hair

She hums with her eyes closed

"Darling wake up" I say

I planned a surprise vacation for me and Wanda, mostly for Wanda

"Vis it's too early" she quietly says in her sleep

I kiss her cheek and pick her up bridal style

"Vis, it's 7 am" She whins

I lift her shirt and kiss her belly

"Vis stop" she says as a tear goes down her cheek

I land on the floor as I used my powers to fly us

She lets a sob out and I realized I want a little too far

"I just want to sleep" she cries

"Darling I'm sorry" I say kissing her head "listen the reason i woke you up is because I have a surprise for you" I say

"A new bed and a husband who knows not to wake his pregnant wife?" She says and I chuckle

"Even better, we're going on a babymoon" I say

"Vis- what?" She asks opening her eyes slightly

"We're going on our last vacation as a married couple without kids" I say

"When?" She asks

"We need to leave to the airport in an hour" I say

"What!?" She yells "I can't get ready in an hour" she says

Wanda's pov

I quickly get up and hop into the shower, I do my morning routine and walk to the room

"Vis is it hot, warm, cold, freezin?, how many days nights?" I ask

"Warm to hot, and we're going on a 5 nights and 6 days" he says

I walk to my closet and take 2 skirts and matching tops, 4 dresses, 1 overall, 7 pairs of socks, 4 swim wear, flip-flops, snickers, nice shoes, 3 bras, and take 12 pairs of underwear

"Darling I said 5 nights and 6 days" Vis says

"I know, I toke 6 for each day, one spur, one if I pee myself, 2 if I'll feel dirty and want to change, and 2 for the plane" I explain as I pack my skin care and makeup

Once I finished packing my clothes I take a bag and put spur clothes and my bottle a

I quickly change into sweatpants and put a bra, and put my hair in a masy bun

"You ready?" Vis asks

"Almost forgot my pillow" I say

"Darling where would we put it?" Vis asks

I didn't think about it

I'm 33 weeks pregnant, I can't sleep or sit without my pillow

"Fine, take it, we'll figure it out" he says

8 am

We check in and give away our stuff only leaving a bag

"Vis wait" I say as he walks to fast for me

"Sorry love" he says

We stand on the line to get our passports check, mine always puts us in trouble as I have a European passport

"Excuse me" a man says to us, taking our attention "come this way" he says

We cut the line and get our passports checked, we walk to security and cut the line again

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