baby's life

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Credit to gayfortasha for giving me the idea

Age: 4 months

Vivienne's pov
9 am

I hear a loud bang and wake up, I start screaming, being woken up and scared

I'm screaming for a second and no one is here?

I don't think so

I cry louder and immediately mama runs to me

Thank you

"Are you ok?" Mama asks softly picking me and looking at me "did you get scared" She says

She starts moving side to side and shushes me, I calm down well maybe a little too much

"You needed to poo Vivi?" She says laughing

How dare she laugh

I whin not like that something is going down me

"Oh god it's dripping" she says

He'll yeah it is

10 am

Mama cleaned me and changed me

"You want to eat sweetheart?" She asks

Yes please

She sits on the bed and moves something

I open my mouth and try to put the bump in my mouth but miss and start crying

I want to eat

"Sh sh it's ok sweetheart" Mama says softly

She takes the bigger bump and presses the small bump on my lips

I open my mouth and close it around the bump, I start suckling and warm liquid starts going

I look at mama and sigh, enjoying the liquid and her warmth, I listen to her heartbeat and relax, suckling my food

3 pm

I cry wanting to sleep

Mama wraps me on herself and starts moving side to side

She pats my bum and shushes me, I calm down and she sighs

"Will you go to sleep sweetheart" Mama asks

I slowly closes my eyes and listen to her breathing

She starts to sing a bit and I fall asleep

5 pm

I wake up and see I'm not with mama anymore

I start crying being hungry

Dada walks to me and I cry louder wanting mama

"Hello sweetheart" he says kissing my head "I haven't seen you in a few days" he says

I don't care I'm hungry

I grip his chest and pull it

He walks to their room and I see mama in bed

"Darling I think she's hungry" he says

"Are you hungry my sweet girl" she says taking me

She shushes me and moves stuff before showing me the bump, I quickly put it in my mouth and suck

The liquid starts going and I hum, liking the sweet taste

"You like mama's milk don't you sweetheart" she says softly


Yes my favorite thing

I look at mama's eyes, just staring at her green safe eyes

She strokes my hair and I lean on her relaxing

I listen to mama's heart while suckling milk

The milk starts to stop so I grip mama's bump wanting more

"You want more milk sweetheart" Mama says taking the smaller bump out of my mouth

She moves me to her other bump and I put the small bump in my mouth

"She tried to latch earlier and missed, she latchet on my breast and kept missing the nipple" mama says to dada


The pink bump is a nipple?


I sigh suckling mama's milk

7 pm

"Vivi" Nat says

Nat holds me while mama is sitting in front of me looking at me with a smile

I smile back at mama and she leans to me and kisses my head

"She's so cute" Nat says

Dada walks behind mama and puts his hands on mama, she leans back and he kisses her

Hey! I'm the only one who can touch my mama

I whin not like this arrangement

"You know things were supposed to happen so you'll be here Vivi" Dada says making mama and Nat laugh

Mama kisses Dada and takes me, I put my hand in mama's shirt and in her bra

I learned new words

Showing Dada mama's mine

"She marks her trattoria " Nat says

My mama

"I already did" Dada says to mama making mama laugh

Mama give me the bump without the milk and I take it, sucking on it

9 pm

"Come Vivi you need tummy time" mama says trying to make me feel better

I cry knowing she'll pick me up soon

"Vis can you be with her, I'm leaking" mama says holding her boobs

Mama left me with Dada, he doesn't have milk or boobs or smell of milk

I cry louder wanting my mama

"I pumped" mama says

Dada walks with me to the kitchen and take a bottle

No I want mama's boobs

Dada puts me on my back and gives me the bottle, I don't open my mouth not wanting it


Mama takes me and I try to move her shirt, she takes the bottle and I open my mouth

Mama is warm and smalls like milk

"Vivi just say you love mama's boobs" mama says

I put my hand on her chest and look at her eyes

11 pm

Me and mama had a shower and she put me on the bed

I could make a mess but I won't

"Let's put a fresh diaper on that clean bum" mama says and I giggle liking the way she says it

Mama puts cream and a diaper, she sits in the bed meaning I'm sleeping with mama

"Naked baby" Dada says kissing my belly

"Can you bring me my pillow please" mama says

I bring my feet to my face and suckl my fingers

Mama puts a pillow on her and moves her nightgown, I see her boob and try to move

"That's happiness" Dada says

Mama takes me and I smile before putting the nipple in my mouth

Dada sits next to mama and kisses her head

I start to fall asleep so I close my eyes, mama moves a bit and I feel her kissing my head

"Sweet dreams my sweet baby"

I have finals in 4 hours and I didn't know, if anyone raed Mr. Know all I need answers, thank you have a good day

Summer in a month!!!!!!

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