Very pregnant

282 9 0

(Wanda is 37 weeks pregnant(9 months)

Vision's pov
12 pm

I wake up and look at the time, I turn around to face wanda ,I strok her cheek and she scratches her nose

"Darling you need to wake up" I say and she grunds, I threw the blanket off of us and she whins

I kiss her face and she puts her hands on her face, I rud her bamp and start kissing every inch of it

"Vissssssss stoooooooooop" she says whining

"Yoy need to wake up love" I say stroking her cheek

She gets out of bed and walks to the bedroom, I hear something falling and an annoyed growl

I get up to see wanda struggling to pick her hair brush , I pick it up and she takes it putting it on the counter

She tries to dress but miserably fails , she screams and goes back to bed

"Darling" I say sitting next to her and stroking the back of her head "What's wrong?"

"Nothing everything is fine, I'm just tired"

"How can i help so you'll feel better?"

"Let me go back to sleep" she says pulling the blanket to her using her powers

"I'm sorry love but i can't let you do that" I say taking wanda in a bridal style

"Vis the baby , careful" she says putting her hands on her bamp

"Come on I'll help you dress" I say putting Wanda on the floor

We dress and go eat , wanda looks around for something and suddenly starts crying

"Darling what's wrong" I ask hugging her and rubbing her back

"I'm hungry but everything makes me nauseous" she says crying into my chest

"Is there anything you want, we'll just go take it"

"I don't know"

"Do you want to go to the bakery, we can buy anything you'll like" I say

She nods into my chest and I take our stuff and we leave

1 pm

We sit in the bakery Cafe and eat , wanda puts her hand on her belly and rub it

"You ok darling?" I ask putting my hand on hers

"Yah, she's just kicking"

I kiss her bamp and she leans on me signing in comfort

"What do you want to do today" I ask rubbing her belly

"I want to buy a few things for my hospital bag" she says

"Ok let's go then" I say getting up and walking to her side "hands up" I say

She giggles stretching her arms, I help her up and we walk to the car , I help her sit In the car and walk to the other side sitting in , as I'm about to drive wanda wince in pain


"I'm ok I'm ok just braxton hicks" she says taking deep breaths

"Are you sure?" I ask rubbing her belly

She nodes and I start driving, we get to the store and I walk behind wanda pushing the cart

"That's the last thing i need" She says putting what looks like a gown

We pay and drive back

Wanda's pov
3 pm

I sit on the couch reading my book while rubbing my belly, just being comfortable

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