my pregnancy with you

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November 6 (4 weeks(1 month)
Wanda's pov

"Is this your first time?" The doctor asks

"Yah we're really excited" I say looking at Vis

"Ok I'm doctor may" she says

"Oh well nice to meet you doctor may , I'm Wanda and this is Vision" I say

"Ok I'm gonna place a seet over your legs, what you usually see in TV is then later on, I'm actually going to use this"

I look at her a bit scared not liking what I see

"I know it looks scary but it's not that bad, as i think you understand that's gonna go inside" she says

I put my head on the bed and hold Viss hand, she slowly pushes the tool in and I wince feeling pressure

"Ok so this is your uterus" she says showing us the screen "now let's find your baby" she says, she starts moving the tool more and I grip Viss hand being uncomfortable "here's your baby"

"Wow" I say looking at the screen

"So you're about 4 weeks , come back on december 4 ,here's the photo of the baby"

"Wow thank you" Vis says taking the photo

November 20 (6 weeks(2 months)
4 am
Vision's pov

I wake up to hear crying I look around not seeing wanda, i get up and go to the bathroom to see wanda keeled down next to the toilet throwing up , I quickly go behind her holding her hair and rubbing her back

She leans on me exhausted "love? are you feeling better?" I ask and she nodes,
I help her brush her teeth and put her to bed holding her close to me

"I hate throwing up" she says into my chest in her sleepy voice

"I know, but it will all be worth it at the end when will met our baby" I say putting my hand on her stomach

She smiles and puts her hand on mine "Yah the baby"

December 4 (8 weeks(2 months)

"How are you feeling?" The doctor asks wanda as she proper for the ultrasound

"I'm ok ,i did started to have morning sickness even though they're not in the morning hours" Wanda says as she lay's down

"Yah it may be called morning sicknes but it's not always in the morning"

Wanda giggles as she reaches to my hands to hold

"Ok here's your uterus now let's find your baby" the doctor says moving her tool "found it"

Suddenly we hear strong and fast sound

"What is it? is everything alright with the baby?" Wanda asks being censored

"Yes everything is actually perfect, what you're hearing is the babies heart beat, did you bring a tape?"

"Yes" I say surprising wanda

"thank you darling" Wanda says pulling me down to her and kiss me

"Ok so your baby's due to the beginning of July , come back on January 8"

December 25 (11 weeks(3 months)
Wanda's pov

As I get dressed Vision walks in and gasps

"Darling you have a bamp!!" He says in excitement

"It's so small how did you noticed" I say as I zip my dress "i think we should tell everyone today , i mean they'll see but still"

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