the challenge

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Age: week

Wanda's pov

Viv latch off and I'm gonna give her to nat idk how she's gonna do that but I'll be in the next room

"I'm going to pump so if she wakes up it will probably mean she's hungry so I'll be in my room" I tell nat as I warp Viv so she wouldn't be cold "don't let her take her Socks off or she'll scratch her face" I tell nat not being sure if to leave her alone with Viv

"Wanda I'll be careful with her please don't worry I'm not taking her out we're here in the tower" she tells me taking Viv from me "she'll be fine"

I go to my room to pump

Nat's pov

I carefully repossession the new born in my arms "your mama is very protective of you she's so protective that even your dada is on a watch when he's with you" I look at her small face "man your so tiny" I rock her slowly hoping she'll fall asleep

Not 5 minutes pass and Vivienne is in depp sleep , I carefully place the new born in her crib in the nursery and sit down and failing asleep

I wake up 2 hours later and go take a quick shower

The second I get under the water I hear crying ,I quickly wrap a towel around me, I push the door open and see wanda sitting on the singler sofa feeding Viv

Wanda's pov

I sit in my room pumping when I hear Vivienne cry i tell myself that she's fine and nat is there with her I wait 4 minutes and the crying got louder I unlatch myself from the pump and go to the room to find my new born alone in the room ,I pick her up and sit in the sofa i lift my shirt and pull my bra and she latches on calming down

I stroke my finger on her nose and she opens her big green eyes

The door opens I look up to see nat wrapped in a towel "what happened to your clothes" I laugh

"I want to take a shower when I heard she was crying so i wrapped myself in a towel and ran here" She says trying to catch her breath

"Nat you don't need to run if you hear her cry , but it doesn't matter cause she was hungry" I look at nat "go take a shower that's gonna take a while" I say looking down at Viv

"Ok but at night i don't want to see you here got it" She points her finger at me

I laugh "Yah now goooo"

She leaves and the only sound in the room is the sucking noise from Viv

I look at Viv "can i ask you to behave tonight" I ask my new born and the only response I get is a blink "you make mama look crazy everyone thinks mama's to protective but who's the one to tell them that you love attention" I say in my baby voice

I move a bit to get more comfortable accidentally moving Viv in response I get screams and cries

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt you forgive me baby" she calmes down as I switch sides

She latches on her cries turn into sobs as she slowly suckes

I look at her to see she's red "mama interrupt you while you were eating " I stroke her cheek and she puts her hands on my breast "well that's new" I move a bit and she holds my Breast tighter "I'm not going no where sweetheart" I realize "your scared mama will go?" I giggle

I move her tiny hands from my breast and she stop eating and looks at me for a moment before screaming from the top of her lungs

"I'm sorry I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to upset u i didn't think it meant so much for you to hold my breast " I position her and put her hands on my breast she looks at me for a second than latches on

"What was all the screaming " nat asks Me coming into the nursery with a blanket

"She got upset because I moved her hands from my breast"

"Why did you move her hands?" She asks me not thinking about it

"Because she held it really tight and it hurt me"

"That's what hurting you not the fact that she's sucking on your breast " she looks at me with a seriously look

"It's different nat" I look at Viv to see she fall asleep

I unlatch myself from her and put her in her crib

"I wish you luck I'll put my milk in the fridge"

"Ok have a good night"

"Thanks I'll be in the next room if you need help idk if she'll take a bottle"

"I'll figure it out good night" she pushes me out of the room

Nat's pov

I sit on the sofa and cover myself with the blanket letting sleep take me

It's 1 am and I'm woken up by loud cries, i quickly pick Vivienne up i go to check her diper

"Yap i was right" i change her diper but she doesn't stop crying "what else you hungry?"

I take the new born in my arms and go to the fridge to take a bottle i find one and i position the new born and give her the bottle

"Come on viv your hungry" i try to give her the bottle but she just screams and cries louder

Next thing I know is i see wanda next to me

"Nat" she takes Viv and the crying and screaming turns to sods

"So she didn't want to eat she just wanted you"

"Oh no she most definitely wants to eat just not from a bottle" wanda says pulling her nightgown down

Almost immediately Viv latch on sucking pretty fast and aggressively

"How the hell is this not hurting you" i ask being scared for wanda

"Well one i got used for breastfeeding two I'm already used for her sucking so hard that my nipples almost ripped off" (we all felt that) "three she's a baby you can't do anything about it you just hope your nipples don't fall off "

I look at viv to see she's moving a lot
"Isn't annoying you that she's moving so much while eating?"

"Nope" she says as viv puts her hands on wandas face "I'm going to eat your hands ammm" wanda plays with viv as she eats

"It's amazing how much nothing bothers you"

"Nat she's my baby she was inside of me not so long ago remember?"

"Man it's weird to think that she was inside of you like how did she fit in your tiny body"

"Well i wasn't so tiny a week ago" she giggles

"Well you were a pretty small pregnant lady"

Me and wanda talk for an hour until Viv is asleep

"Well thanks for trying nat" she says as she's trying to burp Viv

"What are you talking about I'm still going to keep my promise"

"Nat i was kidding with you when i let you be in the nursery go sleep like a human being"

"And what about you?"

"Nat she's a newborn , newborns eat every 2-4 hours I'll still need to feed her that's how it is"

"But you pumped"

"Nat the reason i pumped is so vis could feed her, he's the only one she'll take a bottle from , cause i can't wake up every 2-4 hours so this way i get up ones then he"

"Ok" I say laying down on the couch and falling asleep

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