first mission

451 10 0

Age: 4 weeks

Vision's pov

5 am

I wake up to my daughters cries I quickly make my way to the nursery to find a very upset baby

"Shh it's ok shh" I go check her diper to find it clean, I walk around the room trying to calm her down "let's try feeding you" I make my way to the kitchen and take a bottle

I go back to the nursery and sit on the rocking chair trying to feed my daughter , 5 minutes pass and she just cries louder "what is it sweetheart" I look up to see wanda standing next to the door

Wanda's pov

I wake up to my baby's cries not seeing vis next to me , I look at the time to see it's Vivs feeding time

"She would never let him feed her" I say to myself as I get up , I make my way to the nursery to see vision trying to feed Viv

I go to vis and he gets up and hands me Viv , I sit down positioning Viv and pulling my nightgown down

She latches on, her cries turn into little hiccups "You'll never let Dada feed you would you?" I ask stroking her hair

"She just prefer mama" he says kissing my head and kneeling down to look at Viv

"No she doesn't prefer mama she prefers my boobs" I say looking at vis

"Well they are the source of her food"

"Well I pump so she'll have food"

"True but it's not the same ,it doesn't have the same warmth as she gets when you breastfeed her and most importantly thing she gets to feel the warmth of you ,she hears your heartbeat and she feels you darling" he kiss my cheek "You're her mother she was inside of you "

"I know I remember pushing her out of me four weeks ago"

He laughs "what I'm trying to say is that your the closest person she has ,you created her, grew her inside of you and birthed her ,You're the first thing she knew and she feelt your pain and you feel her pain , it's obvious she'd want you to do everything for her"

"I love when you say stuff like that it makes me feel important"

"You are to me and especially to Viv" he kiss me "don't you ever forget that"

"I won't" I say switching sides "go to sleep baby"

"She wants to be with you before you go" he says putting his head on my thigh

"I don't want to go" I say looking at Viv

"Why not love?"

"I haven't left Viv once and what if she's hungry who will feed her?"

"I'll figure it out darling"

"Fine" I say not sure

"Let me burp Viv and you go sleep" he says taking Viv from me

"Thank you" I kiss him and Vivs head

8 am

"You ready wan?" Nat comes to my room

"Yah i just need to finish feeding Viv and pump"

"Ok i see your already dressed"

"Yap it was a bad idea to dress then feed and pump i swear it's the most uncomfortable thing ever" I say making nat laugh at me "shut up"

"Ok" she giggles "let me burp her and you go pump"

"Thanks" I give her Viv and latch myself to the pump

Wanda's daughter Where stories live. Discover now