night out

418 10 2

Age: 2 months

Wanda's pov
4 pm

I garden as Viv sleeps just enjoying the silence of our breathing

"Darling the team is going out tonight too celebrate a victory, do you want to go?" Vis asks wrapping his arms around my waist

"Yah sure, i assume Tony picks the place so it's somewhere fancy" I ask and Vis nods into my neck "ok"

"So we'll need to leave at 8, you want me to take Viv so you'll have easier time gardening?"

"No I'm fine"

Viv starts moving and I lower my hoodie showing her a bit more, she looks up at us and smiles as she cooes

"Hello Vivienne" he says kissing her cheek "you like sleeping on mama's chest" he says making me giggle

She looks at me and snuggles forwarder into me, she puts her baby lips and my chest and sucks the skin smiling at us

"8 we go?" I ask


6 pm

I put Viv in her crib and go to take a shower, as I'm washing my hair Vis walks in with a crying Vivienne

"Darling i think she's hungry, i couldn't find a bottle" he says

"I didn't pump one yet" I say ,I quickly rinse my hair and put my rob, I take Viv and sit on the nursing chair, I open the rob and latch her on "can you please bring me the pump I'll pump for later" I say

8 pm

I finish pumping and give Vis the bottle to close, I go to the bathroom and dry my hair ,putting it in curlers for later , I go to the nursery quietly and pack Viv a bag, I go to my closet and take a black tight dress with a little cleavage, I do my makeup and take my hair out of the rollers, i change Vivs dipar and put her in a cute baby dress with a bow tie on her head

"How do we look?" I ask Vis

He looks at me and Viv with the biggest smile "beautiful" he says kissing Vivs haed and me

He takes the pram and I wrap Viv on myself and put my coat on, covering both of us ,as It's October and it's starting to get colder ,we walk to the restaurant with everyone already there

"Hello everyone" I say taking my coat off and putting Viv in her pram

9 pm

"Maximoff what are you drinking?" Tony asks

"No Tony i can't" I say

"Why not , it's not fun if not everyone is drinking" he says, if regular Tony is hard drunk Tony is impossible

"Tony i have a baby to feed , i can't drink" I say hoping he'll understand and stop

"I saw the bottle" he says

I look at Vis not knowing what to say

"I don't think she'll wake up in the next 2 hours and if she does we have a bottle" Vis says to me

"Fine , I'll have red wine" I say making Tony happy

10 pm

"Maximoff another round?" Tony asks

"No i still have my first" I say showing my half full glass

We eat and keep chatting as Viv starts whimpering , I take Viv and her bottle and give her it, she doesn't latch and starts whining

"Let me try" Vis says, he takes Viv and gives her the bottle, she pushes the bottle and starts crying

"I can't feed her , i drank and i need to wait at least 2 hours" I say , I take Viv and put her next to my breast, I give her the bottle but instead she tries to latch on me "please take the bottle sweetheart, mama can't feed you" I say and she puts her hand on the top of my dress , I drink 2 glasses of water and cover myself, I take my breast out and latch her on "i drank less than a glass i really hope she'll be fine" I tell Vis

"Tony I'm done drinking" I tell him and he nods

11 pm

Viv latches off and I give her to Vis to burp as I fix myself, I take Viv and lay her on my stomach so her head is on my chest

"How come she's still so tiny" Nat asks

"I don't know but as long as she's healthy it's ok" I say as i pet her bum

After a while we sit drinking tea and dessert , I look at Viv and see she's starting to fall asleep, I put her in the pram and give her her pacifier, I use my powers to rock the pram

"She's really calm" Thor says

"Well now yes but she's no exception from other babies, she can scream for hours, but we slowly start to understand more of what she wants , which is helpful" I say

12 am

"Well enjoy the rest of your night we'll head back" I say putting my coat and moving the pram

"Do you want to walk through the park darling?" Vis asks and I nod

We walk looking at all the scary stuff around us , we walk into the tower and change clothes, I change Viv and put her in her bassinet, we cuddle and watch a movie

1 am

Viv wakes up crying as she used her diper, I clean her as Vis cleans the bassinet, I sit on the nursing chair and feed her as we watch the movie

(I know it's short , sorry)

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