a flight with a 6 month old

368 11 4

Age: 6 months

Wanda's pov
11 pm

"We have everything?" I ask Vis

"Yah, here is the diaper bag, do you want to carry Viv or pram?" He asks

"I'll wrap her so it will be easier later, ok let's go the driver is waiting"

12 am

Vis helps me warp Viv on myself and takes our suitcases, we give away our stuff only leaving a bag for us and Vivs diaper bag and car seat

"Ok now security and then we can sit and get food" Vis says and I nod

We walk into the passports security and I gently bounce, as I heard Viv whin a not

"Mam can you move the sling so I'll see her face" the woman asks

I move the sling a bit to the side showing Viv's face, she looks at her confirming her and gives us the passports back, I put the sling back in place and Viv starts to whimper, I shush her and we keep walking through security, we walk into the surprisingly short line, Vis walk first and I was about to walk through the thing before a woman stopped me

"Mam step aside, you don't need to go through this" the woman says leading me aside "I'm going to feel the sling, ok?" She says and I nod, she starts moving the sling causing Viv to cry being woken up "ok you're clear" she says

"Sh sh sh I know baby, I know you don't like being woken up" I try to soothe her as I pat her bum, she doesn't calm so I pull my shirt and unclip my bra, she latches on and we walk around the airport as Viv nurses and I pat her bum

2 am

"1 more hour and then 10 hours of flight" I say leaning on Vis

"Let's hope Viv will sleep through it" he says looking at her in her car seat

"I'll feed her in take off than landing so her ears won't hurt, we take the car sit right?" I ask and Vis nods "I'm thankful Tony insisted on getting us first-class seats, it will make flying with Viv easier"

3 am

We stand in the line to get to the plane, I look at the people seeing we're the only ones with a baby, making me a bit nervous

"Darling you ok?" Vis asks rubbing my back

"We're the only ones with a baby, meaning if she cries everyone will look at us" I say

"Darling everything will be fine" he says kissing my head and hugging me

We walk into the plane, and into our sits, Vis puts the car sit in place so when I'll want to put Viv down I'll can

"See everything is fine love, and we're just closing this little door and no one can look at us" he says


As the plane fills up the people walking by give us stars of annoyance making me feel uncomfortable, I unwrap Viv and put her in a swaddle, I clip her pacifier to her clothes and sit in my sit, I put the seatbelt and turn Viv so she'll face me, the plane starts to take off and Viv starts whining I latch Viv to prevent her ears from hurting and lean on Vis, I see a man stating at me and I cover Vivs face a bit

"Vis can you close the door please, people are staring" I ask, as Viv doesn't want to be covered

"I can't they asked to not close the door until the seat belt sign is off, I'm sorry love" he says and I nod

I look at Viv trying to ignore the people who are staring at me, some even giving me disgusting looks, I snuggle into Vis and he strokes my hair knowing it calmes me and that I'm nervous

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