Vision's pov

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12 am

I put a cold cloth on wandas forehead and gently strok her hair

"Thank you" She says looking at me

"Darling you don't need to thank me , i should thank you for doing all of this so we'll have a baby" she weakly smile and her face quickly turns to pain

She squeezes my arm as I gently strok her hair , she Lay's down trying to catch her breath

"You're doing great love" I Say trying to help her get comfortable "do you want anything darling? Ice chips maybe?"

She nod and I go and bring her ice chips

"Here love" I give her ice chips, I help her sit on the bed comfortably

I sit behind her, massaging her back as she chew her ice chips

"Vis" she says leaning on me ,I hold her hands letting her squeeze mine as hard as she wants and needs "breath darling , you're doing amazing"

She falls back on me exhausted "I'm so tired" she says her voice shaking

"I know love, you're doing so good and it will soon be over , just think the first time you'll see her and hold her in your arms"

"Can i come in?" The doctor asks

I get off the bed helping wanda lay down and stand next to her holding her hand

"Ok let's check you" the doctor says rolling on her chair to wanda "You're about 7 cm dilated you have a little bit more time"

Wanda huff in annoyance

"I know it's annoying but you're doing great" the doctor says leaving the room

3 am

I stand behind wanda as she slightly bunches on the birthing ball , she stops bunching and starts taking deep breaths, I rub her back to try and help her

We hear a knock and both me and wanda look at the door

"Can i come in" The doctor asks

I help wanda up and to the bed , I stand next to wanda stroking her hair

"I'm happy to tell you that you're 10 cm dilated, you're about to become a mom"

"You heard that darling you're about to become a mom" I say looking at wanda as she smiles hearing those words

The doctor calls the nurses and soon Wanda was ready to push

Wanda looks at me completely terrified "I'm scared" she says squeezing my arm

"Darling you're gonna be an amazing mother and I'm gonna be right next to you holding your hand" I say kissing her hand

"On your next contraction i want you to push and I'm gonna count you down form 10" the doctor tells Wanda

"I'm right here squeeze my hands as much as you want and need" I remind her

In a matter of seconds a contraction hits wanda ,she squeezes my hand as she starts pushing

"10" " 9" " 8" "7" "6" "5" "4" "3" "2" "1" I hear the doctor count as I watch wanda slowly boarding down as she pushes "Good take a deep breath and again push"

Wanda takes a sharp breath in and pushes again slowly boarding down

"You're doing amazing love" I tell her as I waip the swat off her forehead as she tries to cache her breath in between contractions

5 am

"10" "9" "8" "7" The doctor counts

I see wanda falls on the bed exhausted

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