school questions

539 12 3

Age: two weeks

Wanda's pov

"Hi Wanda" Peter walks in as I switch sides "i am so so so sorry" he closes his eyes and turns around

"Peter it's fine" I cover myself and Viv with a blanket so he would feel more comfortable "you can turn around"

"I'm so sorry Wanda" he keeps apologizing even though it doesn't bother me

"Peter it's really fine it doesn't bother me the only reason i covered myself and Viv was that you would feel more comfortable I'm serious , now what happened?" I ask him wanting to know what he wanted

"at school we get an assignment we need to ask a woman a few questions"

"Why me?" I look at him a bit confused

"Well you're the only one with a uterus and been pregnant, gave birth and breastfeed so...."

"Ok gotcha" I say giggling a bit
"But if it's now i will do some stuff like i need to finish feeding Viv than I'll have to pump and clean so" I tell him as I check on Viv to see if she's fine

"Yah ok sure" he says sitting on the floor and opening his notebook
"Ok at what age you get your period" he asks in an awkward tone

"Umm i think i was 13"

"Ok what's like being pregnant"

"It's hard, you experience morning sickness cramps back pain"

"What was the hardest part about your pregnancy"

"Umm well i was in a few missions but it isn't really something your school asks umm probably braxton hicks i want to the hospital because of them two times"

"Wow really?"

"Yah don't you remember i was crying in pain in the living room" I say as I slowly stand up and walk to Vivs crib
"Peter I'm gonna need to pump ok?"

"Yah sure" he looks at the questions in his notebook "umm how was birth"

"Which part of it" I ask sitting down to pump

"Um all of it just tell me vivs birth story"

"Ok i started to get contractions at 3 am at July 30 entil 1 pm we didn't go to the hospital"

"You were 10 hours in the tower having contractions ?!?" He asks me completely scared

I laugh at his reaction "Peter i had no reason to go to the hospital before"

"Contractions is a good reason, fine please continue"

I laugh "ok when we got to the hospital my contractions were 5 minutes apart and they lasted for 60-90 seconds" I say as I lach myself off the pump "one second Peter"

I go to Viv cause I hear her whining

"Peter can you give me her pacifier it's on the nightstand" I carefully pick her up

"Yah sure"

"Thanks" I sit down and rock her "well nothing to interesting happened for 14 hours just painful contractions"

"What did you do for 24 hours?"

"Well 10 of them i spend in the tower my contractions still allow me to move so I was able to move around so me and Vis just walk around the tower to speed the labor i was walking a lot and squatting a lot"

"Why were you squatting?" He asks and I think what to say and how

"Squatting helps contractions it relieves pain and puts the baby in a more comfortable position to deliver and gives more space for the baby to move" I say looking at Viv "all you did was kick and move unstoppably"

"Babys can move in labor?"

"Yes and it doesn't help the pain" I stand up with Viv to change her

"And what did you do in the hospital?"

"Well I was still squatting I was using a birthing ball and I was in bed ,not to much I couldn't really move much"

"Wow ok and how was the delivery?" He asks me actually being interested

"I want to delivery at August 1 at 3 am it was the hardest thing I've ever done" I finish changing viv and put her on my chest

"Do you mind telling deities?"

"Sure just can you give me the baby wrap" I say trying to position viv "thanks Peter" i wrep myself and Viv using my powers

"Deities ok umm i want into delivery at 3 am i was pushing for two hours almost gave up if not Vis I wouldn't be able to do it "

"How painful it was and what made you forget about it"

"The worst pain I've ever felt, that mixed feeling of contractions ,baby kicking and moving and pushing is insane" I stand up with Viv wrept around me "the thing that made me forget about the pain was hearing Vivienne crying and holding her for the first time it's a feeling only mothers could feel"

"Wow i -i umm what it's like to breastfeed"

"It's a weird feeling but it's a good weird idk how to explain sorry Peter" i say as I finish cleaning the room

"Your telling me that you were having contractions for 26 hours?!?" He asks me looking completely scared

"Yes well the last two i was pushing but yah pretty much"

"It's insane" he says to me his voice going on a high pitch

"It's childbirth" I giggle

"No way a person can do that"

"Well i could show you my memory to prove you i was pushing for two hours if you want"

"I'm good thanks"

"That's what I thought" I say jokingly

"Your telling me every woman does that ?"

"Well it's different for each one but for first time moms the usual time to push will be two hours" I tell him as my hands hold wrapt Viv like when I was pregnant

"Your holding her like when you were pregnant with her" he smiles

"Yep even when I'm not pregnant i look like I'm holding a bamp" I giggle slowly rocking her side to side

"This is adorable"

"I have to rock her to sleep she's a baby" I say sitting slowly down

"Thanks for the help wanda"

"Your welcome i had fun"

Something small for now

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