dad Vs mom

269 9 0

Age: 2 weeks old

Vision's pov
1 pm

The moment Viv was born, it looked like Wanda knew what she was doing, me on the other hand, not so much, every time I try to change her diaper Wanda ends up changing her cause I somehow made Viv cry, every time I pick her up she starts crying, I onstly don't know what to do

I look at Viv as she lays on her back, looking at her eyes wonder off, I carefully pick her up and she seems fine before she starts whimpering, I shush her as I gently bounce with her, she starts crying and I panic as Wanda want to nap for a bit because Viv was calm, I hear the door to the nursery being opened and look to see a very tired Wanda

"I think she's hungry" I say as it seems like it always calms Viv

"No she can't be hungry,  I fed her less than an hour ago" Wanda quietly says, walking to me "Did you check her diaper?" She asks, and I shake my head

I put Viv on the changing table, and she cries louder, I check her diaper to find it clean, I pick Viv up and look at Wanda panicking, she sighs carefully taking Viv

She shushes Viv as she sways side to side, slowly calming Viv down, Viv whimpers a bit as Wanda walks to get Vivs pacifier, she clips the pacifier to Vivs top and slips it into Vivs mouth, she takes the baby sling and wraps Viv on herself

I feel bad for waking Wanda and that she needs to take care of Viv now

2 pm

I walk to the kitchen to cook something for Wanda and see Wanda in the living room, she sits on the couch with Viv wrapped on her, her eyes are closed, and she has her hands on Vivs back and bum, I walk to her and stroke her cheek

"Darling, maybe you should go take a nap?" I suggest

"No, she'll cry" she says with her eyes closed

Just as she says that Viv starts whining, Wanda let's a whin out as well, and they both start crying, I sit next to her and hug her, kissing her head

"I just want to sleep" Wanda cries

I don't know how to help her, I can't calm my own daughter and all of the care gose to Wanda, I feel bad that I don't help and I know Wanda is trying her best to be patient with me

Before I can help Wanda, she takes a deep breath and gets up

Wanda's pov

I suck all of my tears and emotions up and get up and walk to the nursery, I unwrap Viv and put her on the changing table, I change her diaper and she calms down a bit still crying, I sit on the nursing chair and position Viv, I lift my shirt and unclip my bra and latch her on

I sit there blankly staring into space as Viv sucks, I feel a little hand on my skin and look down at Viv

I'm really tired

This is all I can think about, I'm not talking about my pain or hunger, I just want to sleep, just a few peaceful hours

Vision's pov
7 pm

Wanda asked Natasha to help me if needed as she couldn't stay awake anymore

"When did she last eat?" Natasha asks

"At 5-5:30" I say

"I'll go warm a bottle" she says leaving the room

I don't even know what to do, I don't know when to change Viv, when to feed her, I don't know anything

Natasha walks into the room with the bottle and gives it to me

"Go on, feed your baby" she says

"It will wake Wanda, every time I try to help I end up waking Wanda" I say

She looks at me in a careless way, so I carefully pick Viv up, she immediately starts crying and I look at Natasha for help, not wanting to wake Wanda

"Relax, I gave Wanda sleep pills she won't wake up, sit on the chair" she says

I walk to Wanda's nursing chair and sit down with Viv

"Position her" She says helping me Position Viv "gently pruss the tip of the bottle on her lips" I take the bottle and lightly pruss the tip on Vivs lips, she latches on and calms down, suckling for Wanda's milk

"Thank you Natasha" I say

2 am
Wanda's pov

I sit in the dark nursery with Viv, feeding her, just listening to her





I listen to her sucking sounds as I stare into space

Once she's done I burp her and put her in her crib, I walk to the kitchen and take a glass of water to drink, as I'm walking back to our room I see Vis sitting in the living room changing a diaper to a doll

I walk behind him and lean front to him, wrapping my arms around him and putting my head on his shoulder

"Darling, what are you doing?" I ask quietly

"Changing a diaper" he says and I nod humming

"And why exactly?" I ask

"So I can help and not throw all of the responsibilities on you" he says

"Well than,  there's an easier way to change a baby's diaper" I say

I sit on his lap and show him how I change Viv, I then explain how to heat breast milk correctly and show him how to feed her

6 am

Viv screams as I bounce and pat her bum trying to calm her, I changed her tried feeding her even skin to skin, nothing is working, I change my clothes and wrap Viv on myself, I take my bag and Vivs parm and walk outside, I shush har as I walk, slowly calming her

"You just wanted me to go outside" I say looking at Viv

I walk to a Cafe and take coffee, I walk to the park and sit in a quiet corner, I pull my shirt and unclip my bra and help her latch, after a bit she falls asleep and latches off, I burp her and give her her pacifier, I sit with her as I drink my coffee

I peacefully sit before feeling a tap on my shoulder, I look up to see an officer

"Young lady shouldn't you be at school?" He asks and I start chuckling a bit

"Nice to know I can be mistaken as a high-schooler,  I'm 23" I say

"Can you prove it?" He asks

"I'm wearing my baby" I say looking at Viv

"I need a better proof"

Damm you Americans

"Ok, I'm married" I say showing him my ring

He looks at me and I huff, I look through my bag and take my ID

"Sorry for the inconvenience, but you look very young" he says

"Thank you, nice to hear that after a while, even after having a baby" I say

"Have a good day Mam"

4 pm

"And that's how you can burp her" I say to Vis

"And it doesn't hurt her?" He asks and I shake my head

He puts Viv in her bassinet and goes to do the laundry while I'm going to take a nap

Wanda's daughter Where stories live. Discover now