a night and meeting with a new born

756 17 1

Age: week old

Wanda's pov

3 am

"Shhh it's ok shhh" Vivienne refuses to sleep ,Wanda and vision had been trying for hours

"Vis i don't understand why she's crying" I'm saying feeling like I'm about to cry and brake down "I've tried everything" I'm saying rocking her

"Let me try again dear" he gently takes her and she only Screams and cries louder "I'm sorry dear" he says to me gently giving me Viv

"It's not your fault but we will need to apologize to everyone because no way they're asleep" I say slowly sitting on the singler sofa "let's try feeding you" I pull my nightgown down and she doesn't want to latch on "she doesn't want to eat"

We go to our room to maybe find help in one of the books

"Fond something?" I'm asking while walking around the room bunching Viv

"Yes It says that you can put her in a fetus position on your stomach it reminds them of the womb"

"Ok let's try" I sit on the bed half lay down and put crying Viv on my stomach she slowly calmes down falling asleep "it worked oh thank God" I sign putting my hands on her feet and back

"Like when you were pregnant" vis says kissing my head

I giggle "well I guess she liked that"

I slowly sit up repositioning Viv and put her in the crib in the corner of our room

"Finley some peace" I say laying down putting my head on vis's chest

5 am

I hear loud crying I get up to see a stain around my baby I carefully pick her up going to the bathroom

"What happened" vis askes my sleepy walking to me

"She had a little accident" I say as I take her dirty clothes off

"I'll go chance the bed"

"Let's get you clean" I carefully bath her

And she obviously isn't happy about it and cries

"Shhh it's ok i know i know" I coo at her

I go to the room seeing vis had fallen asleep on the feeding chair ,so i go to the nursery and change her and go sit on the singler sofa positioning Viv and pulling my nightgown down

"close dose green eyes for me baby"
I say to her, I could look at dose eyes forever but now I wanted to sleep

I look at her eating for 20 minutes then made her latch off to switch sides I make her latch on the other side and look at her closeing her eyes ,I feel myself falling asleep and try to fight it but can't I close my eyes with Viv still eating

7 am

I feel someone Carrying me I open my eyes to see vis

"Go back to sleep darling" he says to me

I than realize I'm not holding Vivienne

"Where's Viv?!?" I Kind of sit

"Darling calm down she's fine she's asleep in the nursery in her crib" he puts me in bed "i woke up and didn't see you so I want to the nursery and you were sitting on the singler sofa asleep and Viv was awake eating so i waited entil she was done and rocket her to sleep then took you" he gots to bed "good night love" he kiss my head

12 am

I hear someone calling my name I slowly open my eyes to see nat sitting on the bed

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