oh thank God

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Wanda's pov

3 am

I wake up in pain and look at the time to see it's 3:15 am

"Vis wake up" I say shaking him out of sleep

"What is it darling?"

"i think I'm going into labor"

"Ok let's time them" he says pressing on the stop watch "what do you want to do? Do you want to stay here? Go to a different room?" He asks as he starts to panic a bit

"Let's go to the living room"

He helps me up and we walk to the living room

"Vis I'm going to sit on the floor for now" I say and he helps me sit down

6 am

I'm correctly laying on the couch trying to relax as much as I can

"Are you alright dear?" Vis asks me as I'm starting to get a contraction

"No not really" I say trying to lay differently before the contraction starts

He helps me lay more comfortably and holds my hands letting me squeeze his hands

"Deep breaths darling" he says while one hand is for me to squeeze and the other Stroks my hair

I lay down exhausted "how much?" I ask while trying to get comfortable

"60 seconds do you want to switch positions ?" He asks getting up

I nod reaching my hands for vis to help me up

"Do you want to start squatting?"

"No not yet" I say sitting on the birthing ball

"Why not now? It will make you feel better" He says going behind me to make sure I'm not falling

"I'm comfortable like this for now"

"Ok" he signs

Vision's pov

8 am

Wanda fall asleep at 7 am and I stayed awak just in case

"Good morning vision what are you doing here?" Natasha asks me

"Me and wanda are awak since 3 am she's having contractions" I say looking at wanda to see she's making a face because of a contraction

"Oh is she ok?" She asks walking towards wanda

"She's asleep for now which is good" I gently Strok her hair to try comfort her

"How far along are they?" She asks sitting in front of wanda

"You can't time them for now but they are 80 seconds each"

"Wow that's long"


"Oh god Vis it hurts" Wanda wakes up in pain I immediately try to get her more comfortable putting her in a squatt position

"Breath darling" I lift her bamp taking a bit of pressure off her

She relaxes putting her head on my shoulder "it hurts so much" she says sobbing

"Do you want to take a bath it's suppos to help relief the pain a bit"

She nodes and I help her up and to the bath

"Vis stay"

"Are you sure?"

"Vis I'm pregnant from you , do you remember?" She asks with a weak smile

I giggle "yah i know but still i want you to feel comfortable"

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