pregnant pee

307 11 1

Wanda is 39 weeks pregnant

Wanda's pov
7 am

I wake up feeling pressure on my pelvis, I groan and rub my belly, I try to move her from my pelvis but instead get a kick on my bladder

"Vis Vis!" I yell

"What's wrong?!?, are you ok darling?!" He asks scared

"She kicked my bladder " I say and he smiles getting up "I need help please!" I beg, he helps me up and I quickly go to the bathroom, I sigh in relief holding into the wall next to me

"Darling, do you need help getting up?" Vis asks

I think for a moment before realizing I can't get up on my own

"Yeah" I say

He walks into the bathroom and I stretch my arms forward, he lifts me a bit before my bump starts to press against my legs

"Vis vis!" I say and he stops, I rub my belly and he looks at me concerned

"Did I hurt you?" He asks and I shake my head "is she ok?" He asks and I nod, he puts his arms under my armpits and lifts me "You ok love?" He asks and I nod "you want to go back to sleep?" He asks and I shake my head "What do you want to do then darling?" He asks stroking my hair

"Walk" I say rubbing my belly "maybe start labor" I say and he smiles

10 am

I make myself breakfast when my baby starts moving, I lightly rub my belly before she settles on my pelvis, I wince and grip the canter, I feel her moving again and immediately close the stove and go upstairs to our room

"Darling what's wrong?" Vis asks as I quickly walk into our bathroom, not even closing the door I take my sweatpants and underwear off "Wanda?" Vis asks

"It feels like her head is coming" I say trying to see if she's coming out

"Do you have contractions?" He asks walking to me

"No, I was cooking for myself and she started moving, then she was on my pelvis and suddenly it feels like she's coming out" I say


I check if it's just a feeling and relax

"She's coming out?" Vis asks concerned

"No, but she's really low" I say

"Well your due date is in 3 days so it makes sense love" he says stroking my hair "why won't you lay down and I'll take care of everything" he says and I nod

Vision's pov
2 pm

Wanda fall asleep 2 hours ago and I unfortunately need to wake her, I walk to our room to see wanda snuggled into her pregnancy pillow, her legs are wrapped around the pillow, her shirt is lifted, revealing her belly, and there's a fan and air-conditioned on, I slightly open the windows, getting some light in and also getting a groaned from my heavily pregnant wife

"Darling, you need to get up, it's 2 pm" I say stroking her hair

"Why?" She whins

"You can't sleep all day love" I say sitting next to her "Let's go on a walk" I say

"Where? It's like 100 degrees outside" She says

"We can go to the beach" I offer

"So everyone will see how fat I am? No thanks" she says

"Darling you look beautiful, and you're not fat, you're pregnant" I say and she opens her eyes slightly "come on let's go to the beach"

I help her dress and I pack a bag for us, we sit in the car and drive to the beach

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