still here

220 8 0

(Wanda is 41 weeks(full term+ 1 week)

Vision's pov
12 pm

I cook breakfast for Wanda as she sleeps in our room

"Still sleeping?" Nat asks taking a sip of her coffee

"Yeah, she's exhausted and I try to help her but she doesn't even know what she needs or feels at this point" I say as I place everything on the tray

"41 weeks is ruff" she says

I walk to our room and put the tray on the nightstand, I walk to Wanda and strok her cheek and she opens her eyes

"Good morning love I made you breakfast"

"Please take it away it gives me nausea" she says and I'm quick to take the food out and bring a trash can for Wanda to throw up in

"I'm sorry love, I wanted to wake you up nicely but instead gave you nausea" I say

"No no no thank you, I'm sorry, it looked delicious thank you darling" she says kissing my cheek

"I bought tea, you want that maybe?" I ask and she nods, I bring her herbal tea and put it on the nightstand

"Thank you" She says sitting up and drinking

I look at her bamp and rub it, feeling it's hard, I massage her belly a bit and she sighs enjoying the touch

"Do they hurt?" I ask seeing her contractions

"Not too much" she says putting the mug on the nightstand "but they're not comfortable" she says sighing out

I take her belly oil and put a bit on my hands, I start to massage her belly and she hums at the feeling, she lays down and lifts her shirt a bit more and her underwear a bit down, so that there's nothing on her bamp and I can massage all of it, I smile at her little smile and look at her, enjoying seeing her so comfortable and relaxed

"Does it feel better now love?" I ask and she nods

2 pm
Wanda's pov

I sit on the couch trying to get some work done as my baby won't stop kicking me and trying to get out

"Stop it, I'm trying to work" I say gently poking my belly, She gives me a hard kick and makes a sharp move "oooo-"

"Wanda are you ok?" Peter asks

"Aaaaa-, yeah I'm- awww fuck" I grip the couch as a strong contraction hits

"Vision! I think Wanda needs you!" He yells but instead, Nat comes as Vis is not in the tower now

She helps me from the couch and I lean on her, so my back is straight and my head is against her chest, she rubs my back and I grip her shirt until the contraction pass

"Wan?" Nat asks stroking my hair

"I'm ok" I say as I sit on the couch "I'm still pregnant" I say and she laughs "still in there" I say trying to get comfortable
"Doesn't want to get out but hurts me like it wants to be out" I say rubbing my lower belly

3 pm

"Oooo-" I hold my belly as I feel a contraction "nat"

"You want to get up?" She asks and I nod and she pulls me up

I feel a bloody sensation and look at the couch to see blood

"Wanda is that blood?" She asks me and I nod

"I think I just lost my mucus plug" I say, I walk to the bathroom and check to see it in my underwear

"Was it that?" She asks from the other side of the door

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