everything hurts

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Wanda's 38 weeks pregnant (9 months)

Vision's pov
2 pm

It's 2 pm and Wanda is still sleeping, she doesn't want to wake up and I won't argue with her, I sit in the living room reading as I don't want to bother Wanda

"Vision, where's your wife" Natasha asks

"In our room asleep" I say

"She's still sleeping? is that even good for her to sleep that much?" She asks

"She's almost 39 weeks, she's about to push a baby out of her, and this baby takes a lot of her energy, she's at the point where everything hurts and she's always tired" I say

"Maybe go check on her, she still needs to eat" Natasha says

I get up and go to our room, I walk in and see Wanda asleep all of the windows are closed and the only light is from the bathroom window, her belly is out and she's cuddled into her pillow, I sit next to her and gently rub her belly

"Darling" I quietly say and she hums "do you want to eat?" I ask and she doesn't respond "my love, maybe you'll start the day?" I ask stroking her hair

"What time is it?" She asks sleeply

"2 pm" I say and she slightly opens her eyes "do you want to eat?" I ask and she shakes her head slightly

I help her up and see she's struggling to walk which makes me concerned a bit, she gets dressed and we walk downstairs, I help her sit and walk to make her something to eat

"Wanda hey, how are you?" Clint asks

"Tired" she weakly says

"A little more than a week and you'll feel the happiest you've ever been" he says and I turn around a bit to see Wanda rubbing her lower belly and smiling looking down at it

4 pm

"It hurts to walk" Wanda sobs griping my hands

"I know love, but you need to move a bit" I say rubbing her back "if she won't change her position you might need to have a C-section" I say and a sob escapes from her "you want to sit on the ball?" I ask and she nods sniffing

I help her sit and she does some exercise while I clean around her, because apparently the nursery isn't clean enough yet, I won't argue

"Please move sweetheart, you're really hurting me" Wanda says

I kneel in front of Wanda and rub her lower belly, She puts her hand on mine and sighs as my daughter starts moving
around in every single direction, I feel Wanda tense and put a bit of pressure on her belly, She softly moans but not in the good way

"I'm sorry darling" I apologize getting up

"It's fine" She says

After a while I help her up and we walk to the garden floor, she sits on the ground and gardens, she bends down in a way I know can hurt her and the baby

"Darling maybe you shouldn't bend down" I carefully suggest

"Vis I'm fine, and she's fine" she says rubbing her belly "I just want to garden" she says turning around "I'm pregnant not broken" she says loud enough for me to hear

"I know love, but you're also in pain and about to deliver our baby, I'm concerned about you" I say stroking her hair

"I just want to do stuff before I won't have time" She says

5 pm

Wanda fall asleep on the couch in the living room, I sit next to her rubbing her feet as she was saying that they hurt her

"Didn't she wake up 3 hours ago?" Tony asks looking at Wanda

"Leave her alone Tony, she's 9 months pregnant, let the poor woman sleep" Natasha says

"I was just asking?!" He says "but is she feeling good? The baby?" He asks

"She's ready to get the baby out" I say and he chuckles "the baby's good" I say looking at Wanda's bump

"She's asleep already?" Steve askes

"Do you all man don't understand that she's 9 months pregnant?" Natasha says

I see Wanda move and make a sore face, I rub her back and she calms down, she puts her hand on her belly and rubs it lightly, she lets a little whin while rubbing her lower belly, the whin gets louder and her face turns sore, she opens her eyes and looks at me in pain, I help her up and we walk to our room

"Vis!" She says griping my hands

"Breath darling" I say as I make my breathing loud so she'll follow

She follows my breathing and relaxes, slowly putting her weight on me, I lift her bamp, taking the weight off her

"Why does she sits like that?" Wanda quietly asks as she rubs her lower belly

"Because she wants to get out" I say kissing her head

"But it hurts" she says

"I know it does love, just a little more and it will be over" I say and she sighs

9 pm

I sway side to side with Wanda as she sobs in pain, I rub her lower back trying to comfort her, she grips my arms and grunts in pain

"Breath darling" I quietly say

"It hurts" She sobs

I walk behind her and carefully lift her bamp, she leans back on me and I kiss her head as she breathes

"I'm sorry" she quietly says

"For what my love?" I ask

"How I am" she says

"Never ever, apologies for being in pain, do you understand?" I ask turning her around so she faces me, she nods looking at me, I lean down and kiss her making her smile

I help her change into a shirt and underwear and help her lay down, she lays down as I massage her leg, she puts her hands on her belly and rubs it, I lean down and kiss her belly

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I ask and she nods

I lay next to her and she cuddles into her pillow and me, we watch a movie and I rub her belly, I feel my daughter's movement as I rub Wanda's belly

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