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The rose-pink light of dawn is a sign for them to prepare for the start of the day ahead.

Another day to fight for their life to see again the tomorrow's dawn. Their room is like a cage. It will be unlocked so that they can start their training to the barracks like house, others are taking breakfast, others are having their daily routine of training while others are just staring at nowhere maybe thinking how they can escape the life they have now

as early as 6am their individual rooms are unlocked by the boy who is age 14, his name is Michael, he's a slave like everyone else. His mom traded him for 50 pieces of silver. He was given a job to give them meals, clean their weapons, rooms and what not.

He will lock the door of their rooms as early as 8pm and opened it as early as 6am

Their master is a kind and wise man named Kim Namjoon though you don't want to see his bad side, he's smart enough to choose his warriors. He makes money out of them, the more fights they could win, the more money he can get from them. He's a retired Captain of the royal army of Spain but the new emperor got addicted to watch warriors fighting for their life, he called them GLADIATORS.

He decided to make this a form of entertainment. For him it's all about games. Some dies, some are lucky enough to survive. This gave him an idea how to spend his retirement while still earning money

He travels around looking for a potential warrior, trains them how to fight, and slaves seen this as a chance to get out of their miserable life not knowing they just make a bet with their own life for the rest of their days.

He belongs to the elites for he is a business man, he got many connections, that is what he needs to be the kind of business he has

People are hurriedly walking to reach the Colosseum, though they can't occupy the seat till the 2nd floor, they will be limited seat but the Colosseum can occupy of 50 thousand people and all they want is to witness how gruesome the warriors can be fighting for they want to live for another day

The crowd is going wild because today is the first day the famous gladiator has come to their city to fight some of the emperor's gladiators.  The man from Spain has come to the capital of Rome to have a fight.

He became so popular for he has style of fighting, they are individual warriors but the moment he set his foot to the arena, everything changes. He commands. The other did what he told them probably because they just want to survive, he's instructions guide them and their first fight is their victory. Till he became famous, if they only knew what makes him to be like this

On their first fight only one of 10 people died for he fights on his own and never listen to him

Only he and his master Namjoon are the ones who know who and where he came from

For the elites it is just a game, a form of entertainment their childish emperor made but for him, it's a survival for he needs to fight for his life to make a step forward for what he aims for.

A goal of his existence from the day he woke up from the nightmare he experienced from the imbecile son of his king. To take revenge for the most powerful person of the empire

Everyone is looking for a closer seat but unfortunately the levels of the Colosseum have designated people to occupied. The lowest part is for the elite, royals and emperor if he decides to watch

From the 3rd level it is quickly filled with the audience.. the emperor is sitting at his throne as they called the emperor's box, this is the closest part for him to see who is the best warrior among them inside the arena

He came early and starting to have a chat to one of his advisor, eating grapes and drinking wine. What's new to that? He is sitting on his chair like a child he is though he's the same age as the famous warrior, enjoying his power, his useless life. That is according to his late father.. his name is Darius beside him is his beautiful sister, the most beautiful woman of the empire of Rome that is according to the one who once saw her face.

Though the emperor himself is against that the princess is with him, he can't do anything but to let her watch what other people are talking about

The reason he's against it is because his sister will be out for all the people to see. There are so many rivals that might want to get his sister away from him... He doesn't want them to know who she is but unfortunately to him, she will only listen to their father

they didn't know what she looks like.

Their father is good at hiding her from the world but now that she has reached a certain age, she can decide on her own and no one can tell her what to do

And the other thing is he makes his own skeleton inside his closet to be afraid of. He's afraid. Her sister knows he's a coward hiding behind the throne of their father. He got so many enemies and doesn't want her sister to be a target

The princess is wearing a very beautiful gown with a head dress with a long fine net to cover her face

They say she's really beautiful according to her servants for they are only one who can see her face aside from his brother and father of course, that is really true that's why his brother is in love with her.

Yes, that is right... The emperor is in love with her sister. Incest are commons to them, they are royals for they don't want to have a relationship outside the royalties and it's hard to find a partner in life outside their empire, they having a lot of trust issues if ever they meet and married from other royal empire

But her sister is against it. She loves him for being her brother. Nothing more. She doesn't have a plan to marry him, she will be an empress if ever her brother can't produce an heir

they are already seated on their place to watch the warrior that is making names all over the kingdom.

The game is to survive, they are playing with their lives. The warriors came from the family of slaves, their parents molded them to be a warrior and traded them for a piece of silver or gold, depending on how strong their child is.

The moment has come and the famous gladiator has just arrived to the arena, people are shouting his name...

"Jeon! Jeon! The mighty Jeon!" The voices are so loud they almost can't hear their own voices

They are just walking till they reach the Colosseum making a parade like they have victory even if it didn't started yet

He make a bow of respect infront of the emperor and his sister, only his teams and master know what he's face looks like. When he became a gladiator, they gave them armor to choose from and the first thing he pick is an helmet that covers half of his face

They don't need to take off their helmets when facing a royalty, that's the only thing they have as a dignity being a warrior except if the royal asks them to remove it

In one knee they make a bow with their fist in their right chest. The emperor wave his hand signaling for them to stand up

He is staring at the emperor while looking up at him cursing under his breath. He make a promise on their graves that he make his sweet revenge to the one sitting on that throne and he knows he is closer to that.

He look to his side and saw a woman wearing a head dress, he maybe take a glimpse of her face beneath that net and he's sure she's gorgeous, her tan and smooth skin can be easily be notice under the morning sun

He stares at her and feel she's staring back though they can't see each other face, they know they want to see each other's face

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