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"how's the honeymoon... " Jimin teases after they come back to the palace to face the problem they left after the fight

Jimin is in her room early morning  fixing and arranging her things scattered everywhere though Taehyung is neat but she can't maintain the cleanliness of her room.. she's a princess, she has a lot of servants to do things for her

"It was great, he took care of me.. treats me nice, spoiled me.. I love him more Jiminie" Taehyung answers her dreamily. She remembers how she enjoys every minute of it being with him

Jungkook is handsome, cutie even with his muscles and abs that keeps her wanting to feel it and Jungkook loves to flex it for her, how he always carries her like she weight nothing, pinned her to the wall and do things to her that leaving her breathless

"Tae? Tae...Your highness?" Jimin clicks a finger in front of her face to make her wake up from daydreaming. Taehyung blinks hearing the sound and looks at her friend

She smiles sheepishly

"And how about you? how's everything between you and your gladiator"
The princess wiggles her eyebrows, eyes following her everywhere

Jimin is busy arranging things inside of her room picking some clothes that are just laying around. Jungkook was there last night and they made love again. Her clothes are laying everywhere on the floor. Taehyung is still in the bed holding the end of her comforter covering her body that has a lot of love bites

"Chim.. don't tell me there is nothing happening between you two. We both are married now and as I observed Yoongi, he's madly inlove and crazy about you too"

"yeah, definitely we made love and he takes care of me"  Jimin simply says wanting to change the topic fast. She smiles shyly

"how's my step brother?"  Taehyung changes the topic seeing her friend furiously blushing at the mention of her husband, face suddenly got serious, remembering the things between them

"He's been staying in his chamber since you left" Jimin informing her highness

They've returned for days now but still she didn't see him. Taehyung looks down feeling pity on her step brother. She doesn't know what to do with him but she wants the crown for she's the rightful owner of it.. That one thing is for sure. She wants him to repent his sins but whatever he'll do, there's no way he can bring back the lives of people he murdered. She knows Jungkook has a plan for him, he must've been busy on her but the moment they steps in again on this land she knows what he wants to do..

Jungkook has been busy since they return but always with her before dinner though she never asks him what plan he has for Linus, she clearly knows he's the reason why his husband is away from her for the rest of the day

The only thing he is saying is he got things to be settled and she didn't bother to ask him. She trusts him

She doesn't care if he already killed him, he deserves it being the mastermind of murdering Jungkook's family. He finally got his justice for them and she's happy for it

"Please, call the captain. I want to be accompanied by him upon meeting up with Mr. Kim Namjoon"

She stands up still holding the blanket to cover her nakedness and goes to the washroom to start her routine, Jimin got shy looking at her, Taehyung must've a wild night with her husband

Taehyung wants to meet the man that saved Jungkook's life. He needs to seek advice for what she should do to his step brother and she hopes she doesn't need to use force at him for handling her the crown



Jungkook opens the door of the garage where Linus is being kept and he wonders if he's still alive with only water given to him, Hoseok has a lot of time torturing him but never give him too much damage enough for him to die, he just makes him feel the pain like how he it gives it to his victims. He knows his friend Jungkook wants to be the one that ends his suffering

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