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Hoseok got a message from the princess that she wants to talk to him about his guards, they completed the 2 weeks training under his supervision and the princess is finally satisfied

She will only need them if she decides to go out of the palace to do some royal duties and do trainings with the Captain in the forest. Today will be the day they will pledge their loyalty only to her

He's hurriedly walking pass in the hallway to reach the princess chamber when Jimin just came out of it. She smiles at him

"The princess is waiting for you in her terrace"  she walks holding a tray with dishes, they just had a lunch

Hoseok pushes the door seeing Taehyung standing leaning in a stone railing of the wide terrace. She's looking in the cloudy skies smiling at herself

"Your highness, you called me?"

Taehyung looks at the source of the voice and signal him to come

"Captain.."  she hesitantly says but eager to asks a question from this morning

"What do you need princess?"  

"I... I ahmm... Do have news from the gladiator?"  She smiles but bites her lips to stop, a red hue is visible in her cheeks

"I just know they have a fight today"

"They have a fight today? Why didn't I know about it? What time is it?"
She comes close to him eagerly waiting to answer her inquiry

"it just has ended your highness, I thought you knew about it and intentionally did not watch it"

"Why shouldn't I?! It's been a week since he didn't come to the forest to see me... I even wanted to send him a letter or visit their place but I had doubts" 

Taehyung looks down on the garden with both hands clasp in front of her chest. She didn't know why Jungkook seems to be avoiding her and now why didn't she know that they had a fight?

"Why are you having doubts your highness? I believe he wants to see you too"

"but if he wanted to he would visit me here like he did when I'm sick right?"

"My lady maybe he just got busy, gladiators like them are.... "  Hoseok didn't know if he should inform the princess

"what? What are the likes of them?"

"you know, they used to celebrate whenever they won and sometimes I ahmm..."

"what is it Captain?!"

"let me explain this clearly, when they have a gathering, there will be girls you know to entertain them so maybe I just thought they met someone else.......?"

Hoseok saw how the beautiful face of the princess got sad and angry at the same time

"I'm not saying that his team met someone new your highness it's just I assume things and reasoning out that he got caught on something.... " Hoseok stops talking when Taehyung raises her hand for him to stop

The captain felt guilty for making Tae sad, the princess walks inside her room obviously thinking what might happened to him

"he never thought of me, he got busy and.... "  Taehyung whispers talking to herself

"I thought he likes me because he said he wants to know me more before maybe consider the things my father said to him about us getting married...  Maybe being a gladiator makes him change my dad used to think who he is"

" It's not like that my princess, don't..."

" I shouldn't expect more from him... I thought.... " The princess continue, her mind starts to wanders overthinking about him

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