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A man without consciousness is tied in a chair, head hangs low. He's been there since yesterday. Namjoon used her slaves to seduce him that leads for his captured

Sir Linus, the ministry of Treasury The only man in the ministry that is vocal for opposing the late emperor. He's with the prince Darius while killing the family of former General Jeon Jungkook

He's the master mind, manipulating the young prince to have fights with his father, brain washing him to get the crown from his father using violence by killing his own dad in the process though it's not clear why he's doing all of this. Maybe because of power? Position? No one really can tell aside from him

Jungkook pay him a visit. He wants to make sure that they capture the right man. He wants to see him and that gives him motivation to continue his revenge, to have justice for the massacre of his family

Jungkook would never forget how this man take his sister's purity. He rape her without mercy before burning her alive inside of their small house. His sister Maria that is full of life and dreams ahead of her. In a blink of an eye and because of their greediness all her dreams for her parents disappeared infront of her eyes and saw how cruel the world could be. They did commit the most brutal killing in that time and their victims is his family

He would never forgive him and now that he is captured. Jungkook would do every possible thing for him to at least feel the pain the kind of pain he felt that night

An ice cold bucket of water thrown at him for him to be awake. He instantly wakes ups feeling the cold of it that makes him shivers in his seat. A man came to his view wearing an armour. The very same armour Jeon wore that night he came home to be with his family that took away from him in an instant. The days and night being away from them just to return and become his living nightmare but this time he's wearing his helmet covering half of his face

Linus is confuse. The last thing he remembers is there's someone with him last night. A beautiful and young lady that offers herself for a night of good time, to have some fun. He even made her drink alcohol to make her drunk but why is he the one tied in a chair?

There's a table full of equipment on top of it. Saw, chains, knives, axe, pliers, hammer and a lot more. That is the only time he realizes that he's inside a garage. There's a lot of things for wood carving and a fire place where a steel for shoe horses is needed

He look up and stares at the man infront of him standing there watching him how he got afraid for his life

"Who are you?"  Linus manages to ask
He look down and saw what is his situation. He's only in pants and wet because of the water thrown at him

"Who am I? It's funny to hear that question coming from you.. Who am i?"

Jungkook repeats the question and sighs

"At first I asked myself the same thing.. I can answer that fast. I am a son of a farmer. Then my answers changed to ' a soldier' then it changed again to 'a loyal servant of the emperor' then it became 'the General of the 15th battalion of the royal army' but you changed it...You gave me identity! I've become the 'lone survivor of the massacre of my family' then you killed me. A part of me died that night.

"You and Darius are my killers! You and the present emperor!  But the name stays. I survived and became a 'gladiator!' and now I can say 'I'm your worst living nightmare!"

Jungkook removes his helmet revealing his face to him. Linus doesn't want to believe who he is seeing. His eyes wide open staring at his face. He can't control his body's movement. He felt so scared he pissed on his pants. He wants to deny that he is the same man they killed 7 months ago. He is Jeon Jungkook. His eyes are not lying. He is literally shivering.. he wants to shout asking for help though no help will come to him even his voice worn out

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