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Hoseok can't believe what his eyes are seeing, the man he searched for months and thought he is already dead are alive and very much happy to see him too. Jungkook hugged him tight, he can't stop from smiling

Yoongi looks at him, it's his first time to see Jungkook that happy since he got him from the side of the hills fighting for his life, he almost forgot that he's still there

"I'm still here Jungkook if ever you forgot. We need to go back, it's getting dark, sir Namjoon might get worried, don't forget your situation kiddo" Yoongi reminds him

Jungkook glances at his hyung and smirks

"I almost forgot! Yoongi hyung let me introduce you to this guy. This is the best guy I have when I'm still part of the royal army and I hope he's still loyal to me" Jungkook swings his arms around Hoseok shoulder pulling him to his side

"What do you mean by that?! I'm always loyal to you my friend! You don't know what I've been through while searching for your ass, to find you but you disappeared like a bubble in thin air! What happened to you? The Princess is....."

"Captain Hoseok, I think it's time to go back!" The Princess intentionally raises her voice to cut what her Captain is going to say, she just revealed her face to him yesterday. She doesn't want him to know that she's the one having the training in the forest with the captain.. not yet though she's the one never lose hope that she will find him, didn't stop searching for him

Hoseok stops talking and turns to look at the lady beside Jungkook's friend still hiding her face to them, he almost forgot that the Princess is with them with her close friend Jimin that having a conversation with the man named Yoongi

He pulled back from Jungkook's hold and fix his clothes

"I guess we have to reschedule our meeting my friend. We have to go back, we have a lot to talk about" he clarifies

"yes, we need to meet again my lady, please. Grant my wish to meet you again" Yoongi agrees, he gets a hold of Jimin's hand kissing it before releasing her

Taehyung looks back and forth to Hoseok and Jimin. It seems like she's the only one who wants to go back though Hoseok and Jimin said their goodbyes to their friends they can't take away their eyes nor move away from them. She pick ups their weapons in the ground and makes way to their horses

"I can go back without you two. I can manage, just make sure Captain that you will bring back my dearest friend in one piece" she muttered after she sits on her ride and left them

"your... "

Jimin don't know what to call her, they are other people around that can hear her if she says her name

"what the.....! Wait for us Prin......" Hoseok shouts back almost saying her name after the Princess makes her horse run fast on the way to the castle

"Let her. I can give you a ride.. just let her be" Yoongi hold Jimin's hand once again wanted to ask alot more things about her. He doesn't want to let this opportunity to slide without her knowing that he likes her

"Yeah! Let her! I think she can take care of herself! Who is she anyway?!" Jungkook asks Hoseok irritated to the way she acts like she's the most important person in the land

"Didn't you know who she is?!" Hoseok asks back forgetting she's wearing a mask

"How could I know her? You think I can identify her with that kinds of clothes? I think she's hiding her face because she's hideous to look at!" Jungkook retorted, he's not interested on her, he wants to be with his best buddy, they have a lot to talk about

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