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Taehyung walks in casually inside the barracks looking around, the guards and all kinds of ranks are all over the place, Soobin and Yeonjun are walking not far from her just to make sure she's safe

A lady like her inside of the barracks is not an everyday sight to see but she's not just an ordinary lady. She's their princess. Wearing a simple dress long enough to drag it along the brick road of it

The meeting will start half an hour from now but she wants to come early to know if they want to add more things in her agenda to talk about

Fortunately for her, she got all her support and few of them voiced out asking what will happen to the challenge she opened to make someone to marry her

She reaches the last room of the hallway big enough to be the venue of their meeting. As far as she knows his brother didn't know about what her doing just like what she wanted

35 men came walking inside the room, she looks at them with a smirk on her lips though no one can see it. She's still wearing her mask. A thick scarf around her neck pulled upwards to cover half of her face, they all give respect to their princess.. she will remove it afterwards till Captain Hoseok walks in and sits beside her to whisper on her ears

"Your highness, some of my colleagues want to talk to you about you marrying a gladiator just in case the prince doesn't win with your challenges"

Taehyung smiles at that. Her gladiator will surely win. Jungkook and his team make sure of it..she also thinks for a while if this will be the best time to tell them she found one of their general

Hoseok got some information about a group of Captains that have doubts about her intentions about why she's doing this. It's not like they don't trust the princess but she's a lady and being a woman alone gives them reasons not to trust her. They know a woman can't decide what she likes in life. They are afraid that she will lead them in nowhere

Another 30 men walks in wearing their uniforms with different ranks bows to her, they want to witness the meeting she will be having and get a chance to tell the princess what concern they have in mind

"Your highness, they were here for they had a heated argument last night about today's meeting and make sure you'll be leading them right like what your father did to them"  Hoseok move his chair away from the princess after

"Apologies your highness. With all your respect I wanna ask about the arranged marriage your brother makes with you. Why do you have to fight it and just obey him.."

"are you telling me that I should just do whatever he would tell me to do?  My father didn't raised me like that. And why? Then I'll ask you the same question. If your father told you to be brave, to stand what you believe in but your mother tells you to be just a good child. What will you do?"

"being a good child to your parents is different from having principles in life.. but if it does make me a black sheep then so be it!"

"but why would you like to marry a gladiator rather than a prince like Bogum? I'm the General of the 10th battalion your highness asking what if he becomes your husband, what will happen to the empire your father's built?"

"What would happen? maybe make it more huge probably? Conquer more lands? In all honesty, before my father died in a very strange way he wants me to marry the man he wants for me and I'm being a good child wants to obey him.. he said that he chose him because he wants someone to take care of me and the empire he left for us.. to have a happy married life and I have so much trust him. I know all his hard work is for me, for all his men and I believe that marrying prince Bogum won't give us the life he wanted for us. I thought of that challenge thinking of my father and about this gladiator I'm saying... He's not different from all of you. something tragic happened to him before that makes him what he is today and I can promise you that he is my father chosen one for me"

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