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Emperor Darius is looking down on the gladiators inside the arena that are already standing up from kneeling on him. He smirks staring at them, he wants to know how good fighters they are and who among them is the Spaniard named Jeon.

He knows someone named Jeon and he gets shivers hearing the name when he hears some people outside the Colosseum starts shouting that name while they are parading from their house/jail

He's scare and asks for the presence of their master Namjoon to be seated beside him. He wants to know who is Jeon among them. They are all wearing armor and helmets

The Jeon that he knows is dead. He killed him 6 months ago. It's imposible that he is the same Jeon they are cheering.

That what he knows...

Namjoon walks towards the emperor when his servants came to him to present himself to him

He already know why he is being summoned but still asks him

"Sire, what will I be at your service?" he bows

The princess turn her head looking at the much taller man at the side of his brother

"You're name is Kim Namjoon?" Darius ask making sure he's the man he needs

"At your service sire" he bows

"Tell me who among your gladiators is Jeon?" He asked looking down at them waiting who he will point his finger. He's eager to know

Jeon is looking at his master that came to the emperor and whisper in his ears

"Sire, you must be mistaken, Jeon is dead. He didn't survive the last fight we had before we came here. Such a waste of meat" he looked down shaking his head for he lost a great warrior to make him believe that he's dead

"Really? I thought he's still here, I heard someone shouting his name outside. I really wanted to meet him" he shake his head a little showing his disappoinment but the truth is he's relief. He really wants him dead. For him he should be dead long enough before his father got fascinated by him

Namjoon stares at his gladiators with a clench jaw and raised eyebrows. He easily spots him, he is right there just in front of them. Jeon is staring back at him wearing his chosen helmet and armor like others. He saw how tight he grips on his sword. His eyes are hungry for revenge.

All of them carrying their chosen weapon waiting for their opponents., he also got his knives hiding at the back of his boots and one of his sleeves ready to fight with his team for this 'show'

Darius smirks thinking what a good show he's going to watch. He signals his guards to release his lions. He wants them to be tired before they'll face his not so good gladiators but for him they are the best. He provides them with a good quality of armour and weapons.

Others might think he wants to know what they are capable of or how good they are but the real reason is he doesn't want his gladiators to get defeated by travelers that just came to his empire

He can't play fair. All of them knows that.

News came to him that they were the best at what they were doing. They gave good fights. Other emperors are very fascinated by them,

Namjoon got offered by a big amount of silver and golds to make him sell them for themselves but didn't. For him they are not just slaves and gladiators, they are family. They are all he got. He spend his younger days fighting as part of the royal army, didn't have a chance to meet someone to be his wife and make a family of his own

He will never trade them for any amount

Darius is sure his lions will no match for them but at least he will get tired fighting or maybe get hurt by those animals so that when the time his gladiators face them they can defeat them easily

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