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"what do you mean he's dead?!"
Taehyung stands putting her robe over her shoulders with Jungkook beside her starting to put on his clothes, their sleeps are long forgotten hearing the terrible news 

"How come he's dead? For how long? Did anyone check up on him on a regular basis!?" Jungkook asks, he opens the door for Jimin

Taehyung has glossy eyes thinking how he had died? Jimin makes sure she's wearing her robe properly and guides her in the hallway, she might be angry at him for killing his father but never wishes him to die like this.. Yes, she wants to punish him for his sins but not this way. She just never thought all of this.. she's even planning to visit him in his chamber first thing in the morning

"Of course he has loyal servants with him whenever he needs them. The last person he called last night with his supper is Jessica, her personal servant like me" Jimin explains while walking with princess Taehyung

Taehyung rushes on his brother's chambers but his guards are at the closed door blocking her way.. they think it's better for the princess to not have seen him, what's inside the chambers is too much for anyone that has a weak stomach but no one can forbid her. No one can tell her what she has to do She wants to see his brother and she will

Jungkook stands behind his wife, hands on her shoulder to join her see the emperor

"Your highness"  the guards greets bowing their heads

Taehyung takes her stand looking at them

"what do you think you're doing? Open the door! I want to see him!"

"we apologize your highness but your brother... It's better if you shouldn't..."

"and who do you think you are to tell me what should I do?! He's my brother and I want to see what happened to him?!"  She said cutting his words, she takes a deep breath before surpressing her sob, her brother is dead and there these people thinking its better for her to not see him one last time

They bow their heads deep hearing the raised voice of their princess and step aside making way for her, now that the emperor is dead, it's better for them to have their loyalty on check

Taehyung squints her eyes in irritation glaring at them, she takes a step forward and the guards know they should clear her path. Taehyung herself pushes the door hard open for her to walk in

"Your highness"  Hoseok says running to reach them, to stop her but he's too late, she already opened the door and took a few steps inside

Taehyung looks around the room till she sees his brother at the far corner near the bathroom door.. the first thing she sees is his feet hangs in the air, his head covered with a black cloth with a visible rope around his neck hanging 5 feet up to the ceiling

Taehyung looks down not to be able to stare at it any longer, hands covering her face, she cries and Jungkook is fast to hold her pressing her in his chest shielding her to the scene that still hangs in the ceiling

"Put him down!"

Jungkook orders the guards while he consoles his wife.. he guides her out of the room back to their room. Taehyung grips on his shirt holding on to him, she feels her legs weakens not to be able to walk but Jungkook is fast feeling his wife losing her strength to walk any further. He didn't let her go

Even Taehyung has a hard feelings for her step brother, she never wishes him any ill will

Jungkook guides her back to their room, Taehyung feels the softness of their mattress under her, her husband almost lifting her and he doesn't mind taking care of her. He knows what's it feels like to lose a sibling

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