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All are tired for the fight of their life, the moment they step inside their chambers, they throw their weapons to the side and take off their helmets and armors

Before the steel gate closes their master Kim Namjoon walks in clapping his hands for his brave and trusted warriors

"Amazing! that was amazing! You are all gaining the crowd's attention, they will love you, your name becomes known for the entire empire, but you... " Namjoon points to Jungkook

"If you're determined to make your plan to succeed you have to stay low-key, he is asking who you are before the game begins"

Jungkook takes off his helmet before facing his friend/master

"He will meet me if it's time for him to die, the very same way he killed my family! don't worry about me my friend, I'm going to stay alive till I get what justice my family deserves" he walks towards him and grabs his arm for a handshake

A guard knocks on the steel gates before opening it

"Sir Kim Namjoon, one of your gladiators is having a guest" he announces

"Which of them?" He asks facing the guard, releasing Jungkook's arm

"The one with the lion decorated in his armour sir"

All of them look at Jungkook for he is the only one having a lion's head located in his chest armor

"And who wants to meet me if I may ask?" Jungkook said putting his helmet back

"A lady" he answers short

"Who is this lady?" He ask again but the guard stay silent

"Just go and meet her my friend" Namjoon said pushing him to walk

"maybe it's one of your admirer" Yoongi said smirking at him

"Pfft.. it's impossible for us to have an admirer, it's either one of the rich people that thinks they can have  everything they set their eyes on, and make us their personal slaves" Jungkook scoff

"Whatever! Just go and meet her then tell us what does she looks like loverboy" Yoongi tease and Namjoon laughs with everyone

The guards lead him to a room with long chains connected to a cemented wall, it has a lock for the wrists, Jungkook stands his back leaning to the wall and a guard puts it in his both wrist

After the guard locks it he leaves him.. he tried to pull it off out of him but it's no use. All he can do is to walk further away from the wall but to escape or even came near to the steel gate, he can't

He waits for awhile before he hears the steel gates opening, a petite girl came to his view. She's wearing a simple dress that is cream or dirty white in color, long sleeves with a round neckline. Her hair is black like his life as gladiator that reach below the shoulder. She's looking at him checking if he's properly chained

She speaks in a velvety voice

"Your.... I mean, Taehyung, I think it's safe now to see him" she moves away from the door and a girl walks in

"What? You're not the one wanted to meet me? And who is this Taehyung?" He ask confused, his eyebrows furrowed though it cannot be seen to the girl in front of him

A girl taller than the first one enters with a much more beautiful dress, it's simple but it does look good on her, her black long dress with a hood  reaches the floor with long sleeves and has very dreamy effects on her, she's like a fairy in disguise. How does he wish she can grant wishes like a genie

He thinks he's dreaming but the chains in his wrists that clinks saying otherwise

He's staring but didn't realize it till the lady infront of him fake cough to get his out of his trance

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