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The celebration of his return has begun. Food and drinks are everywhere. The Prince of Aeterna sitting on his throne beside him on the left is his father, King Janus and to his right, the throne of his wife princess Taehyung

Jungkook has his hands on her arm rest, holding the hands of his beloved wife. Jungkook has some arguments earlier about what to call his wife, she's a princess but as the only one left in her family, she must be considered to be an Empress already

Taehyung smiles and kissed her husband on the lips to stop him, she's not have Crowned yet and Princess is the right title for now

The King has Namjoon to introduce his long lost son to the entire kingdom. Jungkook rise from his seat waving his hand awkwardly. He doesn't know how to be royal like them that makes murmuring on the parts of the parliament and ministries lead by his uncle Prince Clios

He needs to act fast and change their minds not to just accept him as their Prince without any trials or questions. That he can be a possible imposter

He leans to his side. The oldest of the ministries listens to him intently. He's the most influential of them and he is sure the King will listen to everything that comes out of him

He nods a few times understanding the Prince concerned and he will lay it on to the King after the celebration while the same woman can be seen in the crowd. Elisa stands there in decent clothes but somehow he doesn't look like a child of a servant like she said

The food has been served. They are already in the long table of royals. Elisa comes forward to hand her gifts to the Prince. Taehyung stares at her. She's mysterious in every way and she wants to know what is real identity. Jungkook on the other hand was hesitant to accept her gifts.

She squeezed the hand of the prince before letting it go so he could get it from her hand.. Jungkook handed it over to the servant on his back and whispered his gratitude for it. A line of individuals forms in front to have the opportunity to give their gift for him

The King laughs seeing how his people accept his son once again just like the day his loving queen gave birth to him

"This reminds me of the day of your birth, my son"

He wipes a few tears that rolls down his face caused by too much happiness

"I'm so happy that I wouldn't leave this world and get a change to see you again here with me. I'm afraid there will no one to take over my place"

Jungkook turns to his father and kneels beside his chair. His hands on his arm

"Don't say that, father.. you'll live more now that I'm here. I need you more than ever.. you will see your grandchild and plays with him"

"My grand son? You mean the princess.. she's pregnant?"

King Janus raises his hand for the princess to come over to him. He wants to see her upclose. Taehyung rise from her seat and goes behind her husband that is still kneeling beside the King. He holds her hand put it on his father's

"Is it true? You're bearing my grandson? I'm going to be a Grandpa?"

"Yes your Majesty.. I'm on my 1st trimester of pregnancy"

Taehyung smiles with a hand on his small baby bump. The King laughs but his tears continue to fall

"This will be a double celebration..the princess of Rome, the wife of my son is bearing another heir to the throne"

He shouts the loudest that makes a few people in his ministries not to be happy about it especially the one lady named Elisa

She comes forward and declare her dismay. This is her opportunity to inform the King about the promise The prince gave to her even if it was happened long time ago

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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