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Julius stared at the man after he introduced himself. The gladiator is the one and only Jeon Jungkook. The general of his father. The one he killed on the night of his return together with his family

But how come that he's there? How is he still alive?
He himself stabs him right across his chest and left him on the side of the hill to die. He killed him

How can this be?

He glares at their master Kim Namjoon that is still standing beside Jimin right across from him.. he wants to order his arrest for lying at him. Sentence him death. how dare he lied but Namjoon doesn't care. He doesn't even give him any attention. He's busy smiling, happy for his friend. The young man he saved on the side of the hill fighting for his life. He took him in, giving him a 2nd chance to live for 1 reason.

To take revenge and give justice to his family

Darius looks like he died for a moment realizing how much hatred Jeon has with him. Jungkook returns to avenge his family and he is using the princess. How he seduces the princess for her to choose him to marry

Jungkook looks at the emperor with so much hate. He's glaring at him and Darius is well known the meaning of it...

He feels scared for a moment but think of his position. He's the emperor. Jungkook can't harm him. That is what he thinks. Darius looks down on Jungkook like he always do. Fist clenches. He wants to shout and show his anger. His power over him, to order his guards to kill him on the spot but the cheers and shouting the audience giving to the couple is so emerse. Darius can't do anything in the open but he has to tell them that he's not favor of them to get married

Darius wants Taehyung for himself, if she's not going to marry Bogum then she will be his but if he only knew. There's no stopping Jungkook to claim the justice he's been craving for all this time and for the love of his life

No one knows what wrong he did to him. That is what he thought, if he only knew that Linus is currently in their care, in need of his help to save him from Jungkook but he has to act and show how delighted he is for the man his sister has chosen to be her husband. He needs to stay calm in front of his people, to his sister.. He needs a plan to deal with him inside the palace away from everybody

Jungkook smirks and turns to look at the princess..his wife is so beautiful standing close to him, their hands interlock with each other.. he rather gives all his attention at her than staring at the man that killed his family and to his emperor. The only man that acts like a real father to him in times of war

Jungkook knows Darius can't be trusted even if he's smiling right now. Darius will do everything for him not to be married to the princess

If he only knew. Jungkook and Taehyung are always one step ahead of him. He planned this very well and there's nothing Darius can do to stop him

Darius waves his hand to silence the audience and stand tall acting he's not affected of anger Jungkook was giving to him. He needs to accuse him right there and then infront of everyone so they will be the judge if they want their princess to be married to a man like him

"Jeon... I remember you, you're the greatest general of my late father, he's always been proud of you but you've gone and I thought you were dead. Welcome, I personally welcome you but I have to say, you can't marry the princess"  Darius starts that make the people murmurs their opinion

The audience shows their dismay to the young emperor shouting, asking why the ex general can't marry the princess when it's obvious that they love each other. They start to throw things on his way showing how disappointed they are to the emperor but Darius raises his hand again to stop them from yelling

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