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"where is my sister?!"

Emperor Julius asks his assistant, he's  having a meeting with his law advisers and the ministries when someone whisper to him what had just happened in the coliseum

The man said that his sister had just stopped the fight this morning. He needs to know why. Others say she stopped the fight because a certain gladiator got injured, that she needed to stop it to save the gladiator before his opponent might have killed him, he doesn't want to believe that but the way the man said things to him triggers him to doubt her sister even before she can explain herself to him

he needs to talk to her to clear things out

"The princess is in the garden my King"

"You all are dismissed now"  he stands up from his chair and walk on the way to the garden. The princess is sitting on the grass wearing a beautiful dress their father had been gifted to her, she's holding a sunflower caressing its petals smiling to herself

She's busy thinking the event happened between her and Jungkook, the kissed they shared, the eyes of her gladiator looking at her with so much love. She's blushing thinking the handsome face of Jungkook


The voice of her brother disturbs her daydreaming. Darius calls her walking straight to her with his assistant behind him

Her smiles drop before looking up at him

"What do you need brother?"

He stands infront of her with glaring eyes

"Why did you stop the fight?! And you killed one of them!" He shouts

"What's the problem if I did stop it?" She asks back, glaring back at him she's not afraid of any man mostly to her brother

"but why?! What is it to you if the gladiator has been injured?! You stop it just because you want to save him!"
Her brother says accusing her

"what are you saying?! I didn't stop it because I want to save him or anyone!? How dare you accuse me!  Why would I do that?!" Taehyung stands up facing him, how he accuse her of such

"You think I stopped the fight just because one of them got injured?! You think he needs me just to save himself from one of them? If that's the case then I might order them to stop being a gladiator rather than to stop their fight! Are you not even thinking?"

The flower she's caressing awhile ago is now ignored and crushed under her feet

"But why did you stop it and you killed one of them inside the arena?! What others might think of your actions!"

"why do I have to care of what others want to think of my actions?! They didn't know what that man did to me?! Even you! You're accusing me of saving a gladiator's life just because I stopped that fight! You might want to ask me first what happened before confronting me my dearest brother?!"

The princess lies, she doesn't have to tell him everything though his brother is right.. she stops it because he injured him, he injured her gladiator, her Jungkook. It just happens that he's the same man that killed her pets and she's using that reason now to her brother

The emperor looks down embarrassed for thinking like that at her, he should ask her first why she did it before shouting at her and say things like he's so sure of what the others told him

"that gladiator did something to you my dear?! Tell me what it is!"

The emperor is angry at first but the way Taehyung answers him, questions him back, the thought of someone did wrong to his sister got him worried

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