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"Now that we're married, I shouldn't be afraid anymore but why am I feeling this?! I want you to stay, to be safe. To be with me always, I don't want you to continue being a gladiator anymore! Being my simple husband is all I'm asking for!" Jungkook's beautiful wife voices out her worries.

Tomorrow is the day

He's going to fight as princess chosen gladiators against Prince Bogum warriors and he needs to spend this day for training

Taehyung has been whining like a child begging her husband not to leave her and she doesn't care if anyone could hear her outside her chamber

Jungkook pacifies her, promises her a lot of things, kisses her so she will be distracted for him leaving her for awhile.. the sun will be up anytime soon, he wouldn't like to leave her too but they have to endure this kind of setup for a while

Taehyung still didn't inform him about her plan with the army of his father and she is sure Jungkook will support her in any plans she has in mind

"Do you really need to go now?" The princess whines once more clutching in his arms. She's holding him tight. Jungkook looks at her with so much love and cups her face

"My princess, do you trust me?"  He asks though he knows what the answer to it

"Of course, of course my king. I have so much trust in you"  Taehyung says staring back at him. She holds his hand that is in her face leaning to his touch

"My princess" he brushes his nose to her

"I'm no king your highness I'm just a man that is madly inlove with you. A former General in the royal army of your father and now a gladiator. A warrior ready to die to be with you my love"

"But you are my king. My only king. The king that owns my poor heart. The man my father wanted to be my husband, to take care of me and his empire"  a tear roll down on her cheek but Jungkook didn't let it drop and wipes it fast and exchange it with a tender kiss in her eyes

"don't cry my love... This is not our last day that will be together. I promise you. I'll return and this time I'm going to marry you infront of the people of your empire"

"General Jeon Jungkook. You better return to me in one piece! You understand or else they will see what kind of a princess my father molds me into!"  Taehyung grabs his shirt and kisses him deeply, Jungkook hands moves to her nape and kiss her softly just enjoying the soft lips of her to him

Finally Taehyung feels sleepy, Jungkook makes her sleep while kissing her softly. It's like lulling her more, he needs to get out of there before the servants start their work and the guards will be all over the place, it's time for the guards to take turns too

Yoongi knocks softly on their door with a rhythm and Jungkook knows it's his friend asking him to go. He lays her carefully and tucked her to bed, they got out safely and felt relieved the moment they take the step on a grassy land outside the palace

"We need to focus Jungkook.. this is the fight of your life to get your life back again in the army or even better. Taehyung to be your wife is enough to take what is rightfully yours. Like the real emperor said. You only need to marry her and my crown will be yours"  Yoongi reminds him the words of the late emperor

"but this time is different. We need to work on a lot of things before we can get it from her ambitious brother"

"I wonder if that brat is really her brother. Is he really his son? I doubt it. If he's the real son why the emperor doesn't want to pass the crown to him, even he said that he's not good enough to rule. A father is a father and he will give everything to his only son even he's not worthy of anything he had have work on"

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