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Taehyung walks inside her room to have a shower but didn't notice a man sitting on her bed staring at her walking around gracefully to get her things needed, she's feeling sticky from excessive sweating, the arena and the room she came to meet the gladiator have a humid atmosphere, she's planning to take a shower and starting to take off her dress when a voice speaks from her bed

"Where have you gone my dearest sister" she flinched, she didn't expect that his brother was already on her bed.. the dress she's wearing is almost slipping on her shoulder but take a hold on it in her forearm before it exposes her chest and she frowns on that

"What are you doing inside my room!" She shouts asking him back and glares hard at him

The emperor's close his eyes, his ears hurts from recieving a shout from her

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to... I was looking all over for you but no one can tell me where did you go so I came here to wait for you" he explains

"Get out of my room!" She commands and her brother stands to get his ass out of there but before he walks out of the door he turns to look at her again...

"I'm going.. stop shouting at me! I'm still the emperor! I'm expecting some respect from you! Don't let me lose my patience for you. I'm sorry... Don't get mad at me my lovely sister.. I'm just worried about you" he wouldn't like if his sister gets mad at him

"you want me to respect you but you can't respect my privacy! You came here to spied on me! Leave me alone!" She throws her shoes on him making him leave but he dodge it

"I won't leave you! You're going to me mine!" He reminds her that his the powerful between them but Taehyung doesn't care. Her father didn't raise her to be just a follower of him.

She scoff ignoring his statement, she's not afraid of him

That reminds her that she have training later today. She will meet her trainer in the forest with Jimin of course

Their mother left her at a young age because she died early feeling weak after she gave birth to her and eventually died when she is just 4 years old but her father took good care of her and hoped to be his successor but the law didn't allow him

It must be passed to his son even if he's the younger one among the siblings, but her father finds another way to pass his crown to his daughter, that is she have to marry the one he chose for her and convince the parliament that he will give his crown to the one that he thinks most deserved it

He trained his men and saw the potential to one of them, he gives his task to accomplish and Jungkook did all of that without second doubts

Taehyung knows all of it. Her father didn't hide it from her

That's why Taehyung knows Jungkook, she always have eyes on him. She wants to know what kind of man she's going to marry, her father assured her that he's going to be a good husband for her

But the night of her father returned from war devastated her

She's excited to be with her father after a month of being away from him but when he came to meet him, she found him dead on his bed laying there like he was just sleeping, she cried and shout for help, to help her dearest father but it's too late. Their resident doctor declares him dead and the cause is heart attack, they say he's heart got tired from all the journey he made from war but she doubts it.

Her father doesn't have symptoms of having a weak heart. He's strong though he is old. He managed to conquer land and expand his empire with his trusted army

She plans to meet Jungkook early morning to tell him what happened but he's gone too. She searched for him, she even put a huge amount of silver on his head to anyone can locate him but all came with nothing. She can't found him

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