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The princess wakes up feeling an arm on her waist and a firm chest pressed on her back. She smiles feeling familiar warmth surrounding her till she realizes what happened last night but how can she be worried knowing her husband seems never leave her the whole night

She turns to see her husband sleeping face near her. She traces his cheeks and jaws when his lips curve in a smile but eyes still close

"morning Love"
He greets opening his eyes slowly, he breathes in and nuzzles in the side of her neck, arms tightens on her

"How are you feeling? You scared the hell out of me baby. I joined you last night after the physician makes sure your heartbeat got stabilized and..."

Jungkook's words cut off when Taehyung pressed a soft kiss on his lips. Taehyung stares at him

"Kookie.." she says silently calling him

"What is it? Are you hungry? Do you want something to eat?"
His hands softly touch the side of her waist. She giggles on him and kisses him more on his jaw

"Yeah, I'm hungry but I just want a warm glass of milk"

"Milk? Alright, I get it for you"
Jungkook starts to move away after he kisses the side of her forehead but Taehyung holds his arm

"I want to come with you or better yet ask someone to get it for me"

"Maybe, but they are still sleeping"

Taehyung hums but proceeds to sit on the bed to come with him.. she wants to watch him prepare it for her. The sun starts to shine anyway

"Are you sure you're coming with me? I'll be quick"


She stand on the side of the bed holding his hands while Jungkook is being gentle at her

His eyes roam on her figure.. he doesn't know if this will be the right time to tell her what happened last night, what's the reason she fainted. He doesn't even sure if Taehyung still remembers it

"Yeah.. what is it?" Taehyung knows his eyes on her, he look hesitant whatever he wants to say

"About last night, Namjoon hyung..."

"Yeah.. I remember and I don't want to talk about it,. You're my husband. I'm married to you, I can make the papers valid and no one should know that it's not... "

Taehyung cuts his words telling him what she has in mind.. they are already in the corridor walking to the kitchen, there might be someone hears them but she doesn't really care. Her hands run on her tummy, she's feeling hungry but she is more than aware of what's happening to her body

Jungkook that have his eyes on her got more relax to know she's not stressing over it


He turns to look at her thinking she wants something more than a cup of milk now that he got it over a wooden stove but Taehyung is looking down on her lap, she got excited to think what he'll be his reaction

"There's still pies in here love, do you want a bite?"

"Maybe? But I like to have my milk now" her hands reach out for it. Jungkook pours it in a glass

"I don't know what the physician told you about my condition last night but I guess you already know" she smiles softly but her eyes shows how happy she is about her condition

Jungkook sits beside her after he puts the glass in front of her. He holds her hand

"Yeah, but I don't know how to tell you after what Namjoon said about our..."

"I don't care about it, what I care is if you'll be happy that...."

"of course! Of course I'm happy. Why would I not? I love you Taehyung... I don't care what they want from me, what plans they have for me.. it is you that matters to me, I love you, it is you what I want"

"then it is cleared to me now... I know what I have to do. I won't leave you no matter what happens after this. I'll do everything for you. I love you too Jeon Jungkook"

She cups his face till he leans his forehead on her

"I'm happy because of you, and now it's doubled... I'll take care of you and our baby, I'll do everything protecting you both"

Taehyung smiles before Jungkook captures her lips sealing his promises on her

"there will be no one can take you away from me"
She leans on his chest ready to face any problems that will come on their way


This update is quite short, I feel like I'm losing interest in writing and I don't want this feeling. I'm trying to get back on track despite of stress from work



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