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Hoseok made the men stand up to tie  their hands in one row and connects it to his horse. The captain is busy doing that while Jungkook didn't know how to react, still dazed off of what had just happened

The princess she met after the fight is the same princess he's been with all this time

he's the Jeon Jungkook of his father's general royal army. She might know him somehow, does his late father never had talked to her about him? Probably but still didn't know that he is the same guy as the gladiator she requested to meet until she will meet Jimin and told her the message he left with her

Taehyung is standing near holding her horse caressing its maine, seems like she's talking to it. Calming it

Jungkook pretending to be busy doing anything just to avoid looking at her way, fixing his seat on his horse when the truth is he doesn't know how to start a conversation with her

does he have to talk to her or just ignore her presence?

He's thoughts are everywhere, having mixed emotions, he doesn't understand why he's getting shy all of the sudden. She met her already so why can't his heart calm down? And how about his plan, the plan he just made after meeting her

She will be his only way to the emperor, to have his revenge on her brother, now he is hesitant if would continue it or not? She might get hurt  not intentionally but what choice does he have now?

Maybe he can think of something else that doesn't involve her

He is so occupied with what he is thinking not noticing that the princess is just behind him

"Excuse me..." Jungkook flinched hard, he didn't expect that he would hear her voice that near, the princess is standing behind him, asking something

He turn to his back finding the princess standing there holding something in her hand

"Your highness, what can I help you with?"  He asks politely, his eyes avoid looking at her but that would be disrespectful so he decides to look down but it lands on her brown irises and there he is.. lost in her beauty

"I got this from the ground, I thought maybe someone dropped it. Is it yours?" She opens her palms and there's a ring, a silver ring. Jungkook put his hands inside his pockets wanting to feel his ring that is supposed to be there but nothing, he couldn't find it then he took the ring on her palm and took a look at it carefully, it was indeed his ring.. the only memory his father had left him before he were killed

"Yes your highness, it is mine.. thank you! Thank goodness it is you who found it. I thought it was in my pocket all this time, maybe it rolls out when I hastily get down on my horse to save you"

he wears it in his ring finger in front of her

Taehyung watches him and gets silent. The way he got scared when he can't find the ring in his pockets. That ring must be important for him, maybe it is his wedding ring

The princess makes her mind run wild, thinking of possible things why that ring is important for him

It must be his wedding ring. Yes?

She searched for him for almost half a year and now that he's right in front of her, he is might not free any more, there was someone waiting for him back home, Taehyung looks down disappointed.. the one she's searching for is married now

"You're welcome... I, ahmm. Alright. Excuse me" then she turn to go back to her horse but Jungkook calls her again..

"Your highness, I... I'm sorry for what happened in the forest, I didn't... Well I.. I'm not supposed to point my knife on your neck... I.. I didn't know you're the princess"  Jungkook stutters, he felt sorry, he's deeply sorry and scared for what he had done, he doesn't know who she is that time

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