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(picture credit to the rightful owner. Imagine it's taekook. I find it cute)

Another day for a gladiator's life, all are preparing for the next fight, it'll happen after lunch but the crowd are going crazy as early as 10am. The coliseum has no vacant place to seat unless you're elite or part of the royals, you're sure that your place is reserved

Jungkook is preparing his weapon when Yoongi hyung came to him to ask how is he, he came late last night and their Master Namjoon is worried sick thinking something bad had already happened to him

The moment he walks in on their gate, Namjoon engulf him on a tight hug like a father worried for his son

Jungkook really got the softest part of his master's heart

He doesn't have a choice but to tell him what happened about meeting his best buddy from the army and the princess

Namjoon advice him to stay laylow and make sure that this Hoseok is still loyal to him

"Are you alright?" Yoongi asks him holding his helmet, cleaning it

"Yeah but there's this thing that bothers me since the princess brings me back my ring" he swings his sword in the air making sure he has a firm grip on its new handle

"The ring your father gave to you? What about it?" Yoongi checks on all of his knives sharp and in proper holster

"She got it on the ground because I dropped it and since then she ignores me like she's avoiding me, It's impossible that she didn't know me, I mean his father wants me to be her husband in the first place"

"maybe she got shy because you met her in an awkward situation, you know? You points your knife on her neck and she caught us hiding behind the tree"

"maybe, I hope it's nothing serious because I need her, I need her for my plans"

" You better work on that, do whatever it takes to make things work" he suggest

"yeah, I better work on that"

Namjoon walks out of his room looking great as always checking all of his warriors

He walks to Jungkook and holds his shoulder

" Are you ready?"

" Yeah, as always.. "

"they say the emperor can't come but the princess will" Namjoon informs them

"that's great"

"Be careful out there" he never gets tired of reminding them

" If the princess will be there, my Jimin will be there too" Yoongi smiles thinking about the lass

"we have a lover boy here" Namjoon smiles showing his dimples

"I'm happy for you Yoongi"

"I'm glad too, finally! I found someone to love"

Their gates open meaning it's time for them to leave


The fight begins but Jungkook can't focus, the princess is there watching them.. she's still covering her face but he knows that she is his princess

Taehyung looks sad, she doesn't want to but every time her eyes fall on him, she remembers the ring he's wearing. If he is the same guy he met last night then there's no reason to meet him again

Jimin seated beside her but whatever Jimin do or say, she can't make the princess to smile, the happiness in her eyes just gone overnight

She thought finding the man her father wanted her to marry will bring hope for her but it's opposite now.. she can't be with him anymore just because of that ring he's wearing

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