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Namjoon was already kneeling on the library patiently waiting for the couple. Jungkook is holding the hands of his love feeling anxious while walking to the Library. He doesn't know what will happen seeing the one he considered a friend and a saviour in times that he needs one

Taehyung holds his beloved husband assuring him that whatever happens even after knowing all the things that are hidden behind his true identity, there are no words that can change the love she has for him

"Your highness"

Namjoon is fast to greet them upon entering the room, he then glances at his friend/warrior.. he even considers him as brother but now, he doesn't know if this is the right time to address him that.. Jungkook shows no emotion staring back at him. He doesn't know what to feel. His mind is full of confusion about his identity. He doesn't even know what or who to believe in

Namjoon kneels in one knee in front of them, a fist against his chest where his heart is. He takes a deep breath for a courage to finally tell him everything he knows about his roots

"Your highness, Prince Jungkook of Aeterna"

Namjoon clearly says because he has too, that is the proper way to greet someone like him back in their place everyone who's going to greet the prince have to say it loud and clear even his head is low. He wasn't even allowed to look at him in the eye. No one that is not royal like him doesn't have the right to do so

Jungkook comes forward and help him to stand straight, to stop him what he was doing while the princess beside are all ears and eyes. She wants to know who is the real Jungkook, the one she married

"Namjoon hyung! What are you saying?! What did you just call me?"
His eyebrows furrowed, if he is confuse just by meeting someone claiming as his uncle, what more seeing his master kneeling before him?

"I deeply.. I wasn't expecting any of these, I don't even know how they locate you? My deepest apologies if you felt betrayed, I didn't expect that you'll know everything in this way. Definitely not this way your highness"

"stop! Don't call me that! I'm no royal. I'm just a son of a farmer, nothing more. He is my father and he died in front of me. I saw him murdered and no one could tell me that man wasn't my father!"

He make him sit on a chair. Taehyung is quiet all this time watching, observing. All she wants is to listen to his explanation though she's surprised at how this man, his master address her husband

"Now start talking.. who is that man claiming me as their prince?"
Namjoon looks down before starting

"He's your uncle Prince Clios, the younger brother of your father King Jeon Janus, you're he's only son, Crown Prince Jeon Jungkook.. I should meet your father and ask for forgiveness.. the only favor he asked me to is to hide you, take you far away from them so you could live the life free from their rules"  Namjoon take a pause remembering the night the King tell him his plan


"promise me, you will take away my child here.. I don't want him to grow up doing the things others want him to do, my brother... I heard him talking to the ministries, they want my child to lead a  war. He wants him to conquer the empire of King Kim Felix. They say he has a beautiful daughter and arrange a marriage to her"

Namjoon is intently listening to his beloved king, he thought nothing is wrong with their plans.. conquering land after land is a common thing of them to do but his eyes widens after the King sits on his throne and continue

"My son is just a child.. but still they were planning ahead of it"

Jungkook is just 5 years old and to think they have a plan for him of marriage at that young age make the king protest about it. He wants his son to grow up like any ordinary child but Jungkook is not.. he's a prince and his life must be planned from the moment he had born

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