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Taehyung has been in the library since she finished her breakfast that morning. She enjoy reading when the emperor came to be with her

It's not like she hates him, she is close to him when their are younger, he's protective of her but as they gets older she notice that her brother is having special feelings for her

She ignores him thinking he is just joking around, who in the right mind will fall in love with their siblings?

Then she hears their dad talking to him, they were shouting arguing


"You're not going to marry your sister! Are you insane!" The emperor growls throwing his cups of coffee on the floor breaking it in all small pieces

"But dad, it's the right thing to do, no one deserves her, and the crown won't be pass out of our lines" he insists

"And you think you deserve her?! No! And that's final, you're not going to marry your sister!"

"I love her and she's going to be mine" he shouts and left him alone in his room


"are you not getting bored here my dear? Few more hours and the day will end but you're staying here with books all around"

"I'm enjoying reading a few books here, I didn't finish reading all the collections my dad had given me, and besides I don't have plans to do anything aside from reading for today" I kindly informs him

"May I know if you're meeting someone out of the castle?"

Taehyung close the book on her hand and put it down on her lap looking at him

"What do you mean by that? Am I not allowed to meet someone?"

"Of course you're allowed. I know no one can stops you from doing so, you're a free soul. That is what dad teaches you. I just want to know... Jimin is not telling me anything" he sits in front of her and holds her hand to kiss it

She let him but she gave him a look of warning

"You're asking her about me?! You need to stop spying on me?!"

"I'm not spying on you my dear sister. I'm asking her about you, there's a difference" he reason out

"But still. Stop it!" She pull back her hands on his hold

"I'm just concern.. and the new men in the dungeons, the guards told me you're the one captures them? Tell me my dear sister, what are they crimes?" The emperor got angry remembering them

Then she starts to tell him what happened accept the things about Jeon Jungkook

His brother stands up clenching his jaw

"then death is their punishments for sexually harassing you my sister!"

"is it too much? I mean, I defends my self, nothing happened to me.. that reminds me for implementing new law"

"what is it dear, tell me and it will be done!"

"It's about law against pervert and to protect our women in all ages from them"

"then I will ask my adviser to make it happen" he walks towards the door leave her but before he walks out of it he turn again to her

"about seeing someone outside the castle, please let me know about it. I want you protected. You should have guards with you all the time"

"I don't need one!" She shouts standing up.. if he's going to be guarded he will know where the places she's going, having eyes on her all the time

"But It's for your own protection!" He insists

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