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"can I kill him?"

Jungkook clenches his jaw near Taehyung's ears, his voice comes out whispering in a deep tone.. he is so ready to stab his knife on his neck just waiting for his princess to say the word

Taehyung smiles hearing his gladiator's voice though he gave her goosebumps. She's excited to see him, be with him, be in his arms...

"Kookie" her arms encircle on his shoulders pulling him to her

Bogum leaves and her guards make sure Bogum won't see her with the gladiator. Jungkook grips on his knife glaring at the Prince. Taehyung walks where his shadow is till he meets her behind tall trees and bushes. He saw everything since he was there even before Taehyung came to the garden

Jungkook hugs her from behind. His arms hold her small waist and turn her to him

"My love, are you alright? I saw what happened"

Taehyung got worried, Jungkook is mad but not at her. It was an accident but the way Bogum held on to her can anyone easily say he want her and that is the reasons Jungkook is fuming

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he was  following me"  she holds him in the shoulder and leans to him

"Don't say that, It's not your fault., I'm not angry at you, I just don't like him following you around, thanks to your guards.. I'm this close for cutting his fingers wrapped around you"

Jungkook can't look at her, he's so angry at him and still glaring at Bogum even he is far from them sitting at the center near his father
Taehyung cups his face makes him look at her and kiss him

"Thank you for being here Kookie... I thought I will be with you later than last night, I guess I'll fall asleep fast now that I'm tired because of this nonsense gathering"  She kisses him and smiles sweetly and Jungkook gets soft after. He pulled her close to him caressing her back and waist

"It's amazing how your kisses change my mood that fast" he pecks her lips once more. She's a sweet addiction of him

"We're having guests and I don't know till when they're going to stay, and I want to assure you Jungkookie.. if ever you see us in any instances please don't lose trust in me.. it is always you I belong"

"I trust you Taehyung, and most of all I love you.. I might be jealous but I won't be mad at you"

The grip on her waist tightens together with his feelings to feel her lips on him

"Kookie".... She moans to the kiss and Jungkook losing his mind

"Tae...." He calls tapping her thighs to make her jump on him, he is ready to catch her, he knows a place that they can be alone

Taehyung did what she's been told and held onto him. Jungkook carried her in a secluded place. She makes her sit on his lap and makes out with her till someone calls her

"Your highness..."  Jimin whisper calls with Yoongi beside her

Jungkook pulls back.. he got carried away and forgot where they are but Taehyung just smiles at him. She stays on his lap leaning on his chest

"Tae, I'm sorry... I..."

"Kookie.. I love you"

Jungkook hugs her and kisses the top of her head

"I love you too my princess"

"I need to go now.. are you going to be alright on the way out?"  She pulls back and plays with his collarbones

Jungkook nods and Taehyung gets up from him.. "will you be in my room again later? I mean it's fine if you're going home"

"do you want me to be there coz you said you might fall asleep early, you're  tired"

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