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Captain Hoseok starts to look for the place to stay for the night. The sun is setting and they have to act quickly to set their tent before it's get dark. They are still in the woods. It will be their first night of journey

Namjoon and Hoseok work fast to settle for the night with the help of their guards and friends from the arena

Namjoon knocks in their carriage to inform them that the tent is all set. Even Jin with Jimin is busy cooking their dinner

"Your highness, if you want to step out, your tent is ready"
Jungkook opens a small window of their door to see him

"We will be out in a minute.. Taehyung is still asleep" he informs. Namjoon smiles and peeks to see their situation, he nods and closes the small window  

Their carriage is quite larger than usual so that a person inside can lay straight on their back if they want. Taehyung has her blanket and few pillows as he usually needs to hug something while sleeping

Jungkook caresses the side of her face and forehead while looking at her lovingly. The next knock from their door is from Jimin informing them that the dinner is ready. It's already dark outside. Lots of torches have been lightened up

Jungkook whispers on her ears, Taehyung might hungry by now but still choose to sleep instead, but she's pregnant. She need to eat

"Love, the food is ready,. Are you not hungry?"

Taehyung hums, blinking her eyes. She holds his hands on her face squeezing it lightly

"Hubby, I'm hungry but still want to sleep more" she turn her head to the side closing her eyes again

"But love, you need to eat even a small amount. You're not eating by yourself anymore"
Taehyung nods and pull herself to sit but her eyes still close. Jungkook chuckles seeing her condition

"Love, open your eyes for me" she holds her so she wouldn't lay back again

"I'm so sleepy Kookie.."
Taehyung can't resist. She's groggy and feels tired even though she has been laying for 5 hours now

"I'll get your food, you don't need to step outside if you can't"
She hums again leaning her back on the wall of their vehicle, she pull up her blanket till her shoulder

Jungkook stepped out but it only took him minutes and starts hearing a commotion. There are rebels who start attacking them, shooting their arrow at the guards in the front lined up around the area of their tent to protect them.

Jungkook grabs his sword dropping the plate. He needs to protect their carriage. His wife is inside. He prays that Taehyung wouldn't think to come out even if she hears all the noises

Jungkook looks around. All of them have weapons to protect themselves, Yoongi and the others look thirsty to kill. It's been a while since their fight inside the arena has stopped. Everyone got busy when all the rebels came to view. He kills a few, he and his friends attention is to protect the carriage where the princess is

It will only take him a step back to reach the door but someone grabs him from behind locking his neck with their arms and a knife pointing on his chest

"This would be my lucky night.. a long lost Prince's life is in my hands now" he whispers to him then he shouts

"nobody moves or he'll die"
Jungkook curses. Everyone stops their movement as they all look at the source of the voice. Namjoon and Yoongi stand near on his right and left waiting for an opportunity to get the man's attention so they can pull him out from him but the door of the carriage opens. Jungkook only prays that nothing harm could happen to his wife

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