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(warning: Some scenes might trigger some depression)

Taehyung throws her cloak and mask somewhere in her room, she can't understand why she's being angry, she doesn't own Jungkook neither he to her. Her father is dead. The only person that wants her to marry him is no longer with them

She shouldn't care about it anymore like the other people in the palace that easily forget what her dearest father did to them, all the mercy, the teaching and wisdom he said are long forgotten now but not her

She thinks she's the only person that cares and loves the emperor, even his favorite soldier that is personally molded by her father is easily forgotten by him

She cries in bed feeling hurt. She missed her father so bad and this thing makes her miss him more. The only person who cares about her that even in his old age he manages to find a good man for her to be with for the rest of her life

That is the late emperor thought about Jungkook

But maybe for the first time her dad made a mistake by choosing Jungkook for her

The man had change. He can't settle for 1 girl, he even has two with him right after the fight, he hasn't seen her for a week, didn't see her watching him but didn't spare time to search for her simply sending her the message that he doesn't care

She has no plan to go to the forest. She doesn't care if he wants to see her, to talk to her, he can wait there as long as he wants but there will be no Taehyung to be there..  what the use of it if he's going to lie to her anyway

If he has company to make him occupied she has her way too

She gets up from her bed and wipes her tears. She goes to the gym alone telling one of the servants to call her guards and meet her there. Jimin hasn't returned yet. She wants to train, she's so angry she needs to release it

Taehyung is choosing her weapon to use when her guards came still on their uniforms. She picks a knife and a sword not too heavy for her

She turn to look at them using the sword to points to one of them

Soobin gulp hard seeing the end of the blade pointing at him

"You. Fight me"

Soobin points at himself asking  "me?"

"Are you deft? Position!"

Yeonjun moves away from them afraid to get in the way

The princess starts to attack her guard not caring if she can seriously injure him. Soobin is hesitant to attack the princess all he can manage to do is to counter it makes Taehyung more angry

Their swords meet but the princess hold her stance pushing Soobin back

"Is this all you can do? To counter my attack?! Should I remove you from the army!" She grits her teeth staring back at him

"But your highness please calm down"

"Calm down?! Are you seriously asking me to calm down?! Should you tell that to your enemy! You making me sick!" 

"I'm ordering you to attack!"

She sways her sword attacking him again and again till she sliced his uniform in the upper arm, he drops his swords wincing in pain, a blood drips on it

She gets a hold of her knife pointing it to his neck

"Your highness"

Hoseok shouts making her to stop

She release him breathing deep, she's so angry forgetting they are not the one's makes her feel like nothing

Soobin drop on his knees holding his arm. The princess felt remorseful looking at her guards

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