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"what is happening outside, they seem troubled?"
Prince Clios laughs standing near the door, ears dropping on what it might happening outside, the commotion of the princess being out of concious has been heard inside their chamber

"Seems like their princess couldn't handle the news that we brought now that we're here, we will take the crown out of her and eventually kill them"

He continues to say to one of his men

"can't you believe it? My brother is in his death bed waiting to die while his son manage to get here that all this time thinks his real father was murdered by the emperor, if I only knew, I shouldn't have to stress myself. I spent time searching for him, where he could possibly be while he's doing just right all the plans i have"

He laughs delightfully, eyes tearing up with so much happiness..

Morning comes as they wake up from the loud knock of the door. Captain Hoseok opens the door telling them that they will have to be ready to meet the Princess's general in the meeting hall after they have breakfast

Prince Clios smirks after they see the dining area empty. Only servants are present to serve their food while he thought he could meet again his nephew and his wife Princess Taehyung. The only daughter of the late emperor is truly a sight that any man wanted to see

Captain Hoseok accommodate them, making sure they having a lovely breakfast but the Prince wants to know where is the couples

"Forgive me from asking but may I know where is my nephew and his beautiful wife? I would likely to meet them again"
His men nods their head, whispering their request, agreeing to what their Prince says

"You will meet them later at the hall. The Princess is under the whether and her husband is taking care of her"

"oh my.. we wish for her well being"
Prince Clios sounds sincere looking at their men, then they all say their wishes for her good health but didn't expect that the Princess is waiting for them in the hall when her Captain have just inform them earlier that she's not feeling well

Hoseok is the first one to properly greet his Princess follows by their guests. Prince Clios greets her with respect bowing their heads. Jungkook stands on her right side, arms on her waist

Hoseok walks to stand on her left side till they all take their sit around the long table. Taehyung starts

"This is unexpected, having you all here in front of me, in front of us... giving me your sincere condolences from losing my only brother"

Taehyung is composed while talking to them like she's been ready for a long time to face her husband's relatives

Prince Clios has been staring at her, she is so beautiful that he feel envious of his nephew. If only he's not that old, maybe he wouldn't think to give Jungkook his plan to marry their princess and eventually conquer her land but maybe he can still do it. As his original plan, he will kill them but now considering killing him alone and make the princess his

He smirks to the thought of it, another  great idea of him but his bubbles burst infront of his eyes seeing the man he most familiar with

Kim Namjoon, one of the highest ranking General of his brother is there walking to couple to greet them

If he's already there. There's a possibility that his nephew already knows what is his real intention why he's there

His head turns to him from the moment he walked in and stand beside his nephew. He doesn't know if he's going to be the first one to greet the man or let Namjoon to acknowledge him first

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