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"this is so cute!"

Taehyung has her lips slightly open, she's amazed by the kinds and types of clothes they have in the market, Jungkook is with her and they both disguising

Having both of them in that kind of place all by themselves is not safe. They don't want to disturb anybody just because she wants to visit and look around the kingdom

Taehyung being a free spirit even in her own kingdom doesn't want anyone that is following her wherever she'll go. If she could only escape from Jungkook. The Prince wouldn't be there too

They were having fun looking around, buying anything they pleased till she stopped in a dress shop to look for baby clothes.

The owner of the store hears her and now marketing her goods to her

"Yes Madam.. we have a lot to choose from inside. Look around and don't be shy to tell me, I'll give you a good discount"

An older woman smiles at her, pointing some clothes for her to choose

"I like this one, and this and this"
She happily points at them till they are about to leave after paying for it when the same woman from their day of arrival shows in the middle of the road. This time she walks to him, holding his both hands and facing him, making sure he's real

"Jeon Jungkook.. can't you remember me? Please.. please remember me"

Jungkook looks surprised by what she did, holds her and pushes her away from him.

"I'm sorry miss but I don't know you"

"But you're Jeon Jungkook right? Why can't you remember me.. I'm Elisa, can't your remember? We usually play in the grounds of the palace whenever your mother is busy. She trusted me to take care of you as we played all day"

She insists, trying to make him remember her but he doesn't want to think of anything. Taehyung stands there just watching them, waiting if her husband will remember her but Jungkook turns to look at her, as if he's asking for her help to get him away from the woman

"Excuse me but you must be mistaken him for someone else"
Taehyung holds his hand as he grips on her hold turning away from her but she didn't stop

"No please.. I'm sure he's the one I'm looking for.. he's the lost Prince, right? I'm Elisa, we made a promise.. a promise of love, that we we're going to get married when we both reach the right age"

Taehyung stops walking hearing what she said.. she wants to make sure if she's hearing it right, with a furrowed eyebrows she look at her again

"What marriage are you talking about.. how old are you both when he promised you that? You said you both are playmates and yet you hold on to a promise of uncertainty?"

Elisa narrows her eyes.. she doesn't care who's questioning her at the moment. What she wants is for him to remember her but Jungkook is with her, hands on her waist. Stopping her to entertain her nonsense words

"Let's go Love, don't listen to her.. I don't know her"

"But she's insisting.. she said she's your playmate. Now I want to know how old she is when you promise her of marriage!"

Taehyung squinted her eyes in irritation. She knows entertaining her words will only hurt her in the process but she already has her attention

"Doesn't matter.. I don't know her, I can't remember I had a playmate. Her name doesn't even ring a bell"

"no, let her speak. If she's lying, we will know"
She faced her again to ask

"answer me woman!"
Jungkook holds her hand with sincerity in his eyes. He knows there's nothing to remember. He doesn't know her

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