Chapter Sixteen

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"Babe, I'm sorry to wake you so early, but you need to get up." A whisper awakens me.

My eyes flutter open, and Charlotte's face is the first thing I see. I turn my head to look out the large windows taking up the far wall of my bedroom. On a normal morning, the sun is shining through the window making it easier to get out of bed, knowing that sunshine is the thing to look forward to. But today when I wake up, the sun is still hidden behind the dark of night. There is no sunshine to wake up to, only darkness.

As I stare out the windows for a few more seconds, it hits me. The sunshine I'm waiting for, is away in California.

"Come downstairs when you're ready." Charlotte says from next to me, breaking me from my thoughts.

She stands from her spot on the bed next to me, and makes her way towards the door, before disappearing into the hallway.

"Oh man." I whisper to myself, as I start to roll out of bed.

Yesterday when Audalee and I got home we sat together in her room and packed our bags for Cali.

I stand from the warmth of my bed, and scan over my room, making a mental list of the things that need to get done before I leave for the airport.

The first thing on this list is to make sure my room is completely clean so there is nothing that needs to be cleaned when I get back. I start with making my bed, then moving on to making sure my closet and bathroom are in tact. After that, my room is clean. The next thing on my list is to get ready for the flight.

I know that when we land I won't want to bed cuddled up in a hoodie and boots, but to be more comfortable. To do that, I grabbed a pair of gray joggers and a turquiose PINK muscle tank that I had bought a few monthes back. For shoes I toss on a pair of white converse, and to finish the look, I toss my hair up in a braided ponytail.

Makeup isn't all that necissary for a five hour flight, but since I'm going to be around Mikey, it is necissary. I simply put on some mascara and fill in my eyebrows, assuring that I don't look like total death.

A carry-on paired with a backpack is all I need for this trip. My carry-on is obviously stuffed with all the things Aud and I bought yesterday, as for the backpack, I shoved a hoodie for the flight incase I get cold, all my chargers, my laptop, and even my makeup bag seemed to fit in one of the pockets.

The next thing on my mental to-do list, is to bring all my stuff downstairs, so that when the Uber gets here, I am able to just throw on the backpack and roll the carry-on out to the car without trouble.

After all my things were downstairs, I was ready to leave, and my room was clean, the only thing left to do was to start my vlog.

"Good morning guys!" I squeak into the mic, using my not-so-cute morning voice. "It's about 3:00 in the morning right now, and I've been up for about an hour getting ready to leave to go to the airport. I don't know how or why anybody would wake up this early, but honestly, if the sun isn't up nobody should be up." I say smiling, as I leave my room, shutting the light off behind me, and walking into my bathroom.

"Mikey should be here any minute now, when we talked last night he said he would be here around 3." I explain, " I'm just so excited to be able to do stuff like this, you guys have no idea." I say as I sit down on the counter next to the sink in my bathroom.

"Because of you guys, I am able to do things like this. I am able to go across the counrty to be in Seventeen Magazine!" I say excited. "It's crazy honestly." I finish.

I turn the camera off, so that being emotional isn't added into the vlog. As I leave the bathroom and start trotting down the steps I can hear the voices of more than just Charlotte and Audalee talking.

When I enter the kitchen, I can see Mikey sitting at one of the stools at the island.

"Good morning." I say as I walk towards the fridge.

A parade of good mornings come my way, as I grab a water bottle.

"Are you ready to go?" Char asks as I take a seat next to Mikey.

"Yup, all my stuff is at the door." I explain.

"The Uber should be here any minute." Aud says as she takes a seat on the counter.


"Mikey, Mikey get up!" I whisper shaking the sleeping boy next to me.

Slowy, but surely, his eyes flutter open as he groans from tiredness.

"They said we are about to land." I whisper-yell.

Over the past few hours I've done nothing but stare out the window and squeeze a sleeping Mikey's hand, out of nervousness.

He on the other hand, fell asleep within the first half an hour.

A few minutes later, a jult from the plane, notified us that the plane did, indeed land. Now it becomes a waiting game for our class to climb off the aircraft.


"Oh my god." I say as we exit the airport. "It's already so hot." I say letting a breath of air out.

It's been about an hour since getting off the plane, and in that time, I've alrady broken a sweat, just standing inside.

Luckily, Google maps says it's only a 10 minute drive from the airport to the hotel we are staying in, my air conditioned safe haven.


The Uber driver, who's a 50 year old creep, takes us to the hotel in silence, while everyone once in a while, giving Aud's chest a good stare while we wait at a red light.

When we pull up to the front of the hotel, we are faced with a beautiful, what seems to be, 100 story hotel. We quickly unload our things trying to get out of the Uber as fast as possible, and enter the huge hotel.

(Author's Note: And again, look who took forever to upload a shitty chapter. I'm sorry guys, I promise after these next few weeks pass, I'll have these chapters updated all the time. In the mean time, if you want to, I have two other fanfictions posted on my page, and I would really appreciate you guys checking them out. Thank you.)

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