Chapter Fifteen

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Monday flashed before my eyes. Work went fine, as usual, my vlog consisted of plenty #Muna clips, and I even pre-filmed a video.

When Tuesday came around I knew I would have to go to school registration, which is not my first choice of things to do. But the day went smoothly, Charlotte took Aud and I to the school we would be attending later next week, and we signed up for our classes. My two daily required classes were Biology and English 2. As for my electives, I signed up for 'Creative Writing', and to assure a class with Mikey, I texted him and asked what he was taking, the result of his text, I was put into a film editing and design class. 


"Wake up Darling." I heard through the haze of my sleep.

When my eyes fluttered open, I could see Charlotte standing in the far corner of my room pulling back the curtains of my windows like she had plenty of times before.

"Good morning." I groan as I roll around my bed in attempt to stretch the sleep from my muscles.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" she asked as she walked closer to my bed, then plopped down next to me.

"Good." I moan once again.

"That's good." She says smiling. "I made some muffins, they're sitting on the table downstairs, and I just wanted to say you and Audalee can take a half day today." she explains.

"Thanks Char." I smile, then reach over wrapping my arms around her, hugging her tight.

"Any time." she says standing, "But you should probably get up soon. I'll see you at the cafe." she says before leaving my room. Seconds later I can hear her heels click down the steps, and the front door slam, assuring her departure.

After I climb out of bed I make my way to the bathroom, I take the braid out of my hair that I did last night after my shower, leaving my hair in beachy waves.

Then I start in on my makeup, doing the usual routine but adding nude lipstick apposed to nothing to my lips.

When my hair and makeup are satisfactory, I make my way back to my room to find an outfit.

I dig through my closet before deciding on a dress, it will be easier take off and on while shopping and trying on clothes.

The dress I choose is a white flowy one with no structure, near the top, some silver detailing is placed along with two cut outs. Since the dress has silver incorporated in it, I grab a pair of sandals that have all silver straps. Before I leave my room I dig through one of my night side tables grabbing some cash and tossing it into a bag along with my phone and sunglasses.

When I pass my bathroom after closing the door to my room behind me, I walk inside to take one last look at my appearance and realize my hair is a bit plain, so to jazz it up a bit, I grab a flower crown covered in white roses and place it on my head.


"Aud we gotta go!" I call from the living room to upstairs.

Aud is usually already down here when I am ready to go, so not seeing her down here was a bit strange.

"Coming!" she calls back.

I walk towards the garage door, in a hurry to leave, and when I turn my head to look for Aud coming down the steps behind me, my eyes are drawn to the muffins sitting on a platter on the island.

I take one more look for Aud before making my way towards them.

'I can have one.' I think to myself, 'I won't gain from just one right?' I continue on in my mind.

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