Chapter One

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"So where is your mom this weekend?" Audalee questions.

"She left this morning for Guam or some shit." I answer with a crook in my voice.

"Where the hell is Guam?" She asks with a chuckle.

"No idea, but on the bright side, it will be me, you, and Netflix, for the next two weeks." I reply.

"Yeah, we can watch Pretty Little- What?" she yells the last part. "One second, my mother wants me." she finishes as she stands off the floor in her room and walks out, leaving an empty computer screen for me to look at, the only thing occupying me, is the "Skype" logo in the top corner.

A few seconds later she returns with a pissed look on her face.

"Whats wrong?" I ask, the computer glitches for a second, but is quickly repaired.

"I have to eat dinner, you should too." she suggests, I just shake my head, no, in reply. "Ill talk to you later." she says sighing. "Bye Luna." she says with a smile returning to her face.

"By Audalee." I say and turn my Skype off.

Slowly shut my laptop and flopped back on my bed, and sunk into the thick duvet. Not moving for a few minutes. Until my phone begins ringing. I let out a huff of angry air and sit up, reaching across the bed for my pink Iphone 5C, I read the ID, Audalee.

I answer happily, expecting to hear my happy cousins/best friends voice, instead I find a girl I never wanted to meet, again, the miserable, pissed off, Audalee. "She did it, she did it again Luna!" she half yells into the phone.

"Aud, what the hell are you talking about?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"I'm on my way to your house, ill be there in ten minutes, start packing." she orders then hangs up.

We have talked about running away before, planed it out perfectly, thought out every detail, but now its happening and i'm panicked.

I run out of my room and down the hall to the large closet and pull out all the suitcases, six massive suitcases. My week arms cant pull them into my room alone, but the adrenaline is rushing through my blood stream, helping out. I make it back to my room and start with clothes, Audalee leaves most of her clothes here anyway, she only has about ten shirts and a pair of leggings at her house, so its easy for me to get both of our things together. I start with her things, tossing her shirts, pants, dresses, skirts, bathing suits and everything else onto my bed, half of them actually making them in the suitcase sprawled across it.

Her things fill about two and a half of the suitcases, and then I move onto my things tossing them about my room. Just as my thoughts begin to get more jumbled then ever before, the door bell rings twice then stops then twice more, alerting that it is, indeed Audalee. I run down the hall and into the living room and swing the door open.

"I'm almost done with the clothes, start in on the other crap." I order as I jog back to my room with her following.

I continue my job, clothing. About five minutes later, I am completely finished with all the clothing, filling four suit cases, we are almost halfway done with our escape plan. Audalee returns to my room with the smallest suitcase filled. I cant see inside, but I know whats there, makeup, hair supplies, lotions, body washes, things of that sort and others too. Things like chargers, laptops, random things.

"How are we doing?" she asks.

"Uhh, good, could you take my blankets and pillows out to the car?" I ask and she nods. She gathers up my two large duvets and four pillows and stumbles out of the room.

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