Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Sign your name here, and you are officially a model for Darling Magazine." he says, handing me a pen.

 I took the pen from his hand nervously and pressed it to the paper. 

L U N A      M O N R O E 

I curved each letter perfectly, and by the end, my name was printed across the line. 

"Welcome to the team." he said, and a parade of clapping broke out around me.

"Thank you so much." I smile. 

The first thought running through my mind was, 'When can I vlog about this?'


For the rest of the meeting I zoned out, letting Eppa take notes and ask questions.

When everyone started standing up, I zoned back in, assuming the meeting had ended.

"What about you Luna, any questions?" Mr. Beaker asked.

"No sir." I smile. 

"Alright, well I'll send you two on your way then." he said then looked at Eppa, "I'll send you her schedule as soon as I get it." he says and Eppa nods, then holds her hand out for him to shake.

Eppa and I leave the office and when we got in the elevator she began speaking. 

"That was the fastest anyone know has ever been signed, they really wanted you." she says.

"Really? I guess I've never been signed before, I thought it always worked like that." I shrug.

"No, never, weren't you listening? Beaker said about a million times how much he wanted you for his brand."

"That's amazing. But I do have one question."

"Which is?" she questions.

"When can  vlog this?" I say and she giggles. 

She lets out a sigh, and looks down at the watch on her wrist, "I guess." she says sounding annoyed, "Right now!" she shouts excited.

I take her up on that offer, and pull my camera out, and start blabbing about everything. Starting with Mona and Jess and ending with the meeting I just had. By the time I finish explaining, we had already left the elevator, walked out of the building, and were in a taxi on our way back to my hotel.

When we arrived back at the hotel, I climbed out of the car, leaving Eppa to follow, whilst  basically sprinted up to Mikey's room. 

The elevator ride seemed like it took for ever, but when the doors slid open revealing the floor Mikey is staying in, I ran out to his room and pounded on the door. 

Seconds later the door swung open, revealing Mikey, shirtless, wearing sweatpants. 

No words even came out of my mouth before I jumped into his arms,hugging him, with him lifting me into the air, laughing at my reaction.

After a while of hugging he set me down, and giggled. 

"How'd it go?" he laughs. 

"Amazing! I felt so professional, I signed my name all fancy, and there were a bunch of men in suits, it was so cool. And Eppa took a bunch of notes like a business woman."

"Luna, calm down." he interrupts. 

"Oh, sorry. I'm just really excited." I say blushing.

"I can see that." he laughs again. 

"Where's Luke, I wanna tell him how it went too!" I say looking around the room. 

"Oh he's not here, he's on a date." Mikey says, getting quieter.

"Oh. Well then i'll go talk to Aud, I'll come back when i'm done then you and  can go out." I babble leaning forward and kissing his cheek.

"Aud's not here either." he says staring at the floor. 

"What? Where is she?"  I ask annoyed.

"A date." he says looking up at me.

"With who? What a brat, she didn't even tell me." 

"She didn't tell any one. Either did Luke." he says. 

"Wait, what? Luke and Aud are together?" I practically scream.

"Yeah, but don't tell them you know." he says. 

"Michael, she's my best friend, why didn't she tell me?" I say sassily.

"Luke is my best friend, and he didn't tell me either. Clearly they are hiding it for a reason, wait until they tell us." he explains. 

"Okay, but what if it wasn't a date. What did you see?"  i ask.

"Oh, it was a date." he assures. 

"What did you see exactly?"

"I left the room because Luke had left, and I was going to pick up some coffee, when  I walked out into the hall,  I heard some voices, two voices, Audalee and Luke's voices. They were talking about going out to dinner, at some place downtown, when their voices got closer, I hid in the door frame like the spy I am, and when they passed me, they were holding hands and Aud kissed Luke on the cheek. " he explains, and my mouth falls open. 

"You're lying." I say. 

"Not a bit." he says. 

"Okay."  say sitting on his bed. 

A minute or two later he blurts out, "Why aren't you talking, you're scaring me." 

"Where did they go for dinner?" I ask.

"Lemonade I think."

"Get dressed, we're going to Lemonade."


When we entered Lemonade, there they say, our best friends on a secret date. This was Mikey and I's chance to mess with them.

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