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Most guys are nervous on their wedding day me I was fucking excited. I just want Cates to be my wife that's all I've ever wanted for the past six months really for the past two years. It was 8am and I was dying I got up and saw my mum at the door"hey mum" I said hugging her."Lucas Robert hemmings my baby boy all grown up and getting married" she cried I hugged her again. "I am so happy for you Luke I wanted it to be Cates so badly you love her so much and I just adore her to death. I knew it was her because you brought her home and you've never brought a girl home til her." Mum finished"thanks mum I'm glad its her too" I smiled "so the ceremony's at two. We have to be at the church by eleven I should wake everyone up" I told her. "You wake up your fiance Ashton and Lucy I've got Mikey and calum" she said we high five. Cates will be easy I just went over and kissed her til she woke up" good morning wifey" I said and carried her to the table.I went over to Ashton and Lucy I shook Ashton a few times til he woke up. He woke Lucy up I saw Mikey and Angel stumble over and over trip on the couch.

After breakfast we went to Starbucks then the church the boys in one car the girls in another and the parents in another as well. It was ten fifty when we arrived I went to the boys area which had a TV a pool table and a bar. We all were dressed and had our hair styled in 90 minutes. I was smoothing out my tux and adjusting my tie when Lucy came in"everything alright" I asked. "Yeah she just wanted me to check on you and to tell you that she loves you and im also here to see ash" she said."Fair enough tell her I love her too" I called I highly doubt Cates was nowhere near done twelve forty five was the time. I thought of the fans how the hell are we going to tell them they're my family too everything was so rushed how will they react I pondered. Time was going by slowly it seems like one thirty could not get here fast enough my tux was black with a silver tie the guys all had white tuxes with silver bow ties.

Mikey and I played a game of pool when Ashton burst through the door."Luke mate its time the ceremony will start in 30 minutes" he said excited"thanks man for everything." I smiled Mikey patted my back before following me to go line up. Calum was already waiting Ashton and I headed up front it was hard choosing a best man. When Cates choose Lucy the fair thing to do was pick Ashton. I went and stood on my side which was the left there weren't many people. My parents Cates parents the guys and girls parents the one direction lads their gfs little mix all time low and the madden bros. The priest gave me a nod the doors opened out came Calum and Sadie then Mikey and Angel. Lucy walked down last music played and the doors opened once again. There she was so flawless and perfect that dress made her look like a queen I couldn't help it I cried while she was walking down the isle.

"We are gathered here today to join these two in holy matrimony although these two might be young. They are in love and age does not define if people are meant to be together. Now lucas please present your vows" he asked I gulped and started to speak"Cates my sweet Cates. I love you so much okay I know that this probably isent your dream wedding but I'm prepared to make it become it. Cates you are my everything I don't know what I'd do without you in my life. You've always been so supportive and understanding when it comes to my career. The hardest times are when I'm away from you you help me make better choices. I'm always responsible because I want to make the best choices for you. My heart will always come home to you Cates you'll never asleep alone again and I'll always be beside you. I'll always care and love you despite everything I promise to always protect you from harm. Have I mentioned you look like a sexy princess in that dress" I finished. The audience chuckled Cates blushed through her tears"caitie your turn".

"Right wow I don't know Luke how you come up with these amazing things to say your always Mr romantic and Mr responsible and Mr sensitive. Your not those things to me Luke to me you my shoulder to cry on problem solver and what makes my heart race. I love you so much Luke I never thought I'd fall in love especially with a pop punk star. It doesn't matter because at the end of the day I'm just so damn lucky I have you. Luke I promise I'll love you forever and that no matter what happens I'll always be there for you. You have made me such a better person because of you I'm now better able to handle money you have given me a safe place to be. Some people have that one thing or a place that is their home my home isent a place its you. Luke I just am so happy" Cates said sobbing I wanted so bad to hug her tell her everything would be okay.

"Luke please repeat after me" the priest said"I Lucas Robert hemmings take thee catie Marie hanson to be my lawfully wedded wife. To have in sickness in health through tours albums and whatever else may come our way" he said and I repeated. I was still crying a lot so was she then Ash handed me the ring I slipped it over her engagement ring it was a silver band with diamonds all around it. "I Catie Marie Hanson take thee Lucas Robert hemmings to be my lawfully wedded husband. To have and to hold in sickness in health through tours albums and whatever else may come our way".

"He told Cates she said it back and slipped my ring on"I now pronounce you husband as wife kiss your bride" he said."Don't have to ask me twice" I said and pulled her too me."You're such a dork Luke" she mumbled I wiped her tears then we went to sign all the paper work and get her new drivers license. "Holy shit were married Luke" she exclaimed I chuckled"yeah we are Mrs.hemmings" I told her kissing her again."Your vows made me sob Luke I sobbed at our wedding" she teased"sorry if it helps yours made me cry as well. I wanted to badly to comfort you up there when you were crying even if they were happy tears. I don't like seeing you cry" I said looking at her"damnit Luke your too sweet".

We saw everyone"that was so beautiful guys there's still cupcakes and a reception. I gotta hand it to you you pulled it off in 2 days" mum said hugging me. "I did with help from the guys and Cates did a lot too" I replied god I was so happy. After I made my rounds it was time for our first dance I looked for Cates. Found her talking with Ashton's parents"hey sorry to but its time for our dance wifey" I said leading Cates away. Everyone sat down except for Ash Michael and Calum"now usually we sing this song with Luke but we can't do that today. About 2 years ago when we were just releasing our first ep we needed one more song. Luke had been away from Cates and wished he was home he started saying"I wish I was. I wish I was beside her" a week later he brought us this masterpiece. This is one of the fans favorites and also Luke and Cates song" Calum said. Ash started banging slightly on the wood block. "I love this song so much" Cates sighed I held her tighter it was perfect"my dream wedding has you and me in it. Luke I could give two shits about everything else" Cates said I smiled.

After it was done we had cupcakes before dancing the night away. We stumbled into our hotel room for the night"goodnight Mrs hemmings" I said kissing her neck and cheeks. I love you forever baby" I told her"I love you too lukeyboo goodnight" Cates said. "Luke wakey wakey" I heard a voice say I peered opened my eyes to find my gorgeous wife."Hey wifey what time is it" 2:45 I just can't sleep well" Cates mumbled"come here love lay on top of me and I'll hug you til your asleep" I smiled.

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