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"LUKE IVE TOLD YOU A MILLION TIMES TO GO PUT AWAY THE DISHES"!! I shouted at him. "I know Cates can't I just have three hours of peace I had a hard day at work. Management's riding us about tour planning for next year were suppose to be writing and recording for our next album. We skipped lunch so we could go to a stupid interview with smallze also had a Google hangout and now I really would just like to sit down." Luke spit at me"oh yeah you've had a tough day I have to do all the housework. The least you can do is help me when your home and I don't like your attitude right now" I said.

"Fuck your so annoying right now catie just let me be damnit" he cursed back its official im mad. "You want peace you got it" I snapped back"wait Cates" he pleaded I slammed the door and started walking. It was a rarity for Luke and I to fight but I'm fed up with him he can come find me I'm not doing shit this time. I walked all the way to our park by his and cals old place I looked down at my engagement and wedding rings."You and I are meant to be together forever right Cates" his voice came in my thoughts. Nobody ever said marriage is easy especially the first year at this park Luke and I had our first kiss its where he said he loved me the first time. Wed come here to escape the loudness and just play.

I went over to the merry go round and lied on it the slight breeze moved it my phone rang it was Luke once again. I hit decline I don't wanna hear his apologies right now I curled up into a ball and cried myself to sleep. I woke up in someone's arms fuck some creeps found me I looked over i knew this person it was luke. He also put his jacket over me it was quite chilly seeing as it was morning why was he here I pondered I just went back to sleep.

The next time I woke up it was morning I was on top of Luke he was already awake"hey beautiful" he greeted. "Luke why'd you come how'd you find me" I asked"your my wife I know how you think you always come here when your mad. One of my vows I made to you was that you'd never sleep alone again" he said softly. God he's so sweet and mature"I don't give a shit where you are or how pissed you are at me when the night comes I'm sleeping with you in my arms" he mumbled. "I love you so damn much Lucas Robert hemmings" I told him he smiles"as I love you Caitie Marie Hemmings so damn much".

"Hey Luke ever had sex on a merry go round" I flirted"no why oh you naughty girl" he chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Do you wanna" I batted my eyelids at him"as tempting as that is this is a public place there's all kinds of germs on this" he told me. "Always the sensible one" I chuckled"I'm cold please tell me you have the car" i sighed."Yeah it's parked over there we can go home" he suggested. "No I wanna stay for a while" I told him he played with my hair I almost fell asleep again Luke carried me to the car"your so good to be lukeyboo" I yawned.

I miss Mikey more than anything thank god today is my last day of filming. He's also been super busy so I haven't seen him since early September I wish he was here its going to be a fun last day. My phone rang it was Mikey I smiled and answered" hey Clifford how's it going" "going great I miss you so much I sent it your last day of filming today" he asked. "Yeah it is I'll see you soon" I said"what are you wearing right now" he questioned"Michael not now I have to film in like 30 minutes" I blushed.

"I'm betting your wearing that pink dress with sparkles on the bodice its frilly at the bottom and knowing you you've worn your hott pink high heels" Michael said. Wow he was exactly right"your really good at this game mikey" I told him "your dressing room is bigger than I thought" he said"yeah its pretty good sized its got a mirror a couch a chair a table with a bowl of pretzels a bowl of chips and a bowl of assorted candy. Wait a sec how would he know how big my dressing room is.

I hear loud laughing I quickly turn around and there he is with lilac colored hair this time"oh my god Michael your here" I said running into his arms he picked me up. "Of course I'm here it's your last day I wanted to come see you in action I'm so proud of you" he told me. I shed a few tears"angel baby its alright" he said"I'm just really glad your here" I cried. We kissed for a good while"man I've missed you" he says"were gonna have so much fun but first I have to get into wardrobe" I mentioned Michael stayed with me. After wardrobe it was hair and make up then I shot the final scene"wow babe you were amazing the movies going to be great I almost cried that scene was so sad" Michael comments.

"Shut up let's go" I tell him and we leave"when's the release date" Mikey questioned"um I think not til may 16th. The producer has to edit the movie still and then get everything processed but my part is done" I smiled"I'm so glad too cause I have a nice long break til April when the tour starts it'll be our first world tour by ourselves." Mikey said excited"I know its so huge and I promise I'll visit you as much as I can" I replied"how's calum and Sadie doing. I'm just so happy distance has never been an issue for us" I confessed"well their good ever since last week when he went too new York to get her back they've been way happier even more so before she left." That makes me so happy I can just tell that they are meant to be even if they don't.

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