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Lucy and Sadie flew in today so now all of us have our girlfriends but not for long. Cates and angel will be going back next week my heart hurts when I think about it."Luke man you alright" calum asked I just flopped down on the floor"I don't wanna say goodbye" I mumbled. "Awww Luke its already august the tours over in 2 months or so you'll be okay" he told me. "I know I will be its just I want Cates to be with me forever I pulled out my phone and tweeted a few times"Luke" a voice said almost pouting. I got up it was Cates"yes babe" I said she just hugged me tightly I was confused but hugged her just as tight. "I love you Lukeyboo" "I love you too catekins" " this picture is going on twitter" calum said. I just chuckled and let go"no Luke one more minute please we only have a week left" Cates said. I want Cates forever this might be crazy cause im barely 18 but I wanna marry her soon I want to propose her.

I don't think I could ever picture myself with anyone else but Cates we've been together for so long. She's always been so wonderful about tours and everything else about my crazy life. I love her more than I've ever loved anybody else it was Lucy's birthday in a couple days. Ashton's got something really huge planned that only calum knows about. Its cause Michael and I are the blabbers we tell everybody everything but calum can keep a secret really well. Cates was playing FIFA with angel and Michael. I was sitting with ash and luc on twitter Sades and cal went out for a lil while."Bullshit I blocked that goal" Cates yelled"not according to the refs you didn't sorry I scored" said Michael Ashton giggled from beside me. "Damnit you win again" Cates said"my turn your going down Clifford" angel challenged him"bring it on" he spit back those two are interesting for sure. "Cates come with me to the bathroom" luc said and the two left"what are they up too" I asked. Ashton just shrugged"don't know mate" he replied. Minutes later they came out and sat on Lucy's bunk they were whispering there was some giggles and some glances." okay seriously what the fuck is going on" Ashton said.

I started whispering nonsense into Ashton's ear. he erupted into the most adorable giggle in the world"Lukey that was funny" i cuddled into Ashton. "Luke" he questioned"yes ashy washy" I grinned"get off" he told me."nope" I said"okay then here comes the tickle mister" Ashton told me and tickled me it was my turn to laugh."Ashton stop" I said between breaths soon we fell off the couch"1 you guys are twats 2 your blocking the game and 3 your girlfriends left again" angel said annoyed. "Yeah way to tell em off baby" Michael exclaimed. I went over to one directions tour bus and knocked on the door Niall got it"lukeyboo ashy what brings you here good too see yah" he greeted us hugging us tightly. "Looking for Cates and Lucy thought they might be here" Ashton said."nope sorry haven't seen em but stick around let's hang out" Niall said and we went in to find Liam Louis Eleanor zayn and perrie all sitting around laughing. "Hey Luke Ashton come join us make the circle bigger were just playing a game called what if" Louis excites.

"Eleanor love you ask the question now" Lou said"um alright what if you could have 10 million pounds but in order to get it you have to cut off your arm" she asked."nice one el don't know myself that's rather hard" Ashton told us"ME ME ME ME I KNOW WHAT'D ID DO" perrie yells"I'd cut off me arm" she continued. "Unlike my fiance i like my arm" zayn said perrie made a face at him but soon shook it off and kissed him. Fiance I thought I could have a fiance soon."next question what if you could travel back in time but every time you do you lose a precious memory" Liam said. "Now that's some fucking tough shit to answer there Liam" Louis sassed"i wouldn't wanna loose a precious memory" I said. Everyone agrees with that statement harry went next"you would enjoy sex twice as much but you partner enjoys it half as much would you go with it or not" harry asked. "Now that's a question" Eleanor said "I think I would be okay with that" Louis said. I was a bit surprised Eleanor pushed Louis over"what was that for" he asked"you were being an asshole" she shot back. Louis pushed her over"jerk" she punched him soon there was a slapping hands war"alright you guys break it up" harry said getting in the middle they stuck their tongues out at each other but then smiled. "I will never get their relationship" Ashton whispered"my turn to ask let's see here you could know your future but you would have to loose one year of your life" I said.

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