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I had to leave Lucy and my baby girl today Carmen's doing okay she's growing that's what matters she's getting milk through tubes. The boys have killed it but it doesn't sound right without drums. That's what Mikey said anyway tour should be good I need the distraction badly I'm not myself I've been trying I'm becoming more optimistic. I just want to hold my baby girl in my arms I cried leaving her and Lucy oh god my sweet Lucy she's staying she needs to be there for our daughter. I've asked her parents my folks and Sadie to check in on her every day I Skype the gang for awhile I'm flying to Taiwan cause our next gig is there in 2 days.

They cheered me up the fans have been amazing so amazing tweeting nothing but good sweet messages. I love them they are everything.

@ashton5sos Taiwan are you ready for me. You better be cause I'm ready for you so ready!!!! #ASHISBACK IM BACK. IM NEVER LEAVING AGAIN.

Within minutes #ashisback was trending worldwide I can't believe it its incredible I arrived at the airport only to be greeted by tons of fans. "Hey everybody" I say chipper I take photos and sign things some had signs that read were here for you Ash. "Aww guys I love you all so much" I give out hugs by the dozens. "ASHY WASHY" I heard a scream I was soon tackled by numerous people"god we missed you so much" Cates tells me. "I love you too but your all crushing me" I giggle"THE GIGGLE " they all shout"we've missed the giggle" said Mikey.

"Thank god your back we haven't rehearsed for any of our shows and we missed yesterdays soundcheck. Basically you are never leaving without you were forgetful and disorganized" Calum let out. "I'm not going anywhere again I missed you all" I smile big"how's Lucy and Carmen" Cates looked at me I smiled softly at her. Carmen's slowly improving and that's a good thing Lucy's she's doing okay I worry about them" I reply. Cates looks like she might cry "I'm sorry its just " she sobs.

"She feels so helpless she wants to be with Lucy its hit her hard its hit all of us" Luke explains. "Hey Cates come here Mrs Hemmings" I say stealing her into my arms. "You called every day you texted you tweeted it was so sweet of you it got me distracted. You and Michael kept up the updates you met fans at the airport you remained optimistic and chipper. I loved your updates they got me laughing and smiling thanks for looking out for the fans now stop sobbing alright. Cates you helped more than anybody" I told her"thank you Ash I'm glad I did I'm so glad your back" she sighs.

"I'm gonna let you go now" everyone laughs Angel hands her a tissue I wipe her eyes"alright I think we should party" Luke suggests. We all agreed to that we headed out to a club. "This should be it " I tell them"idk Ash it looks sketchy" Calum states"well I'll be right back" I said. I went in and my eyes went wide needles needles everywhere. I closed the door and went out"yeah that's not a club" I laugh"what'd you see" angel asks. I blinked a lot"very bad things" I replied"damnit I'm curious I'm gonna go look" Cates says.

"No that's a very bad idea young lady there's um things in there" I stand in front of her. "Outta my way Blondie" she glares "fine but I warned you" "hold up Hemmings I'm going In too" says Luke"same with us" Mikey said. They went in"wow wow my god don't wanna get mixed up with those people " Michael chuckles. I nod furiously "onto the next club" Calum and I lead the way "now we here" this time it was a club.

Michael and angel headed for drinks Cates and Luke dancing"okay Calum dancing or drinks" "drinks" he says. "Hey ash dance with us" calls Cates i spun her around. "Ill be right back gotta pee" Luke calls"ill miss you" she shouts he smirks. "Ash can i tell you a secret" Cates says. "Hell yah i love secrets lets go outside" i lead her to an alley"Luke and i are trying to have babies were ready to be parents". My face lit up with excitement"NO WAY THAT'S AMAZING" i hug her tight"only you Mikey and Calum know we wanna keep it that way". "Of course i wont tell a soul" we head back in.

"I've been looking for you guys Michael and angel are drunk we should leave" Luke tells us. "Alright ill call an uber" Calum walks up with the drunks"Ash buddy i just wanna you know tat you make a my dreams come dream. " Michael hugs me"thanks man lets get you guys back to the bus".

The next day i woke up at 6am we have an interview at 8am. "Its going to be a wonderful day" i say i go to Calums bunk"good morning good morning good morning its time to rise and shine" i sung loudly. He yawns before getting up"do i have to get dressed right now" he says sleepy"no not yet you've got an hour" i smile he nodes. "My eyes are closed in case you guys are being naughty" i say heading into the hemmings hotel room . No answer Luke was snoring light he had Cates asleep on his chest.

"You guys are adorable " i giggle drumming on the table"GOOD MORNING RISE AND SHINE I HOPE YOUR FEELING FINE. YOU READY TO ROCK" i scream"Ash go away" Luke mumbles"no you have to get up" i demand. Luke played with Cates hair"I'm gonna go start on Michael don't go back to sleep" i glare and giggle. I wonder if Michael and Angel even made it to the bed i walk in immediately falling on top of someone. Oopsies i thought giggling the funny thing neither of them woke up i shook Michael a lot. Nothing i tried shouting nothing i need a bass player and a guitar player i thought.

I head back into Luke's room he was dressed same with Cates"Luke grab a guitar we gotta wake up Mikey with it" i say. "That bad huh well okay" he says chipper Cates comes with us Luke plays she's kinda hott against his ear. "HOLY FUCK WHAT THE FUCKING HELL " he shouts"oh good your awake" i laugh. "I'm going to murder you" he glares we run away" at promptly 7am we were all eating"everyone to the van" i order"hey were actually on time" Calum notes. "Cause I'm back" i laugh "so boys how do you like Taiwan" "its been my favorite place I've visited so far" the others laugh.

"Ashton i understand your baby is not well" here it comes i smile big and say" yeah she's getting better every day. I know shell be fine she's an Irwin us Irwin's are strong" "well we hope she gets better too. I understand you all live with your partners what would you say is the best part about living together. " That's a really good question there's so many things i thought"for me its that feeling of stability. I'm never alone and the house is clean she keeps it clean which i wouldent cause im messy" Luke smiles.

"I like how in the mornings my girlfriend will cook me breakfast and make me coffee. Sometimes she picks out my clothes for me" Calum said"for me its the fact i never have to worry about her at night i can protect Angel better" Mikey says. That was a cute answer"i don't have one i cant chose one thing" i laugh. "Alright if you could date any other band mates girl who would you choose". Another great question"probably Sadie because she's smart and knows a lot of facts like me so we'd spend our days sharing knowledge" i start. "ID probably choose Cates because she's really nice gives good advice likes to watch TV and cuddle. " Michael told us"I'd choose Angel cause she likes to party she's really fun plus I'd like to know what its like to date a model" Luke chuckles."Its pretty fucking great we have the wildest sex" Mikey smirks"woah there hold up" i warn"shit i never said that shh" he covers.

" Lucy because Cates is my best friend and AngelS too loud for me. Lucy's just really motherly would take care of me if i was sick and is really understanding" Calum speaks" now onto the album whats your favorite song". Luke said vapor malum said JBH  i said safety pin. After the interview we went out for lunch then we had sound check. "I baked you cookies your favorite" a fan handed me a plate full of them. "Thank you so much ill eat these right up" i giggle.

God it's good to be back.

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